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Be Well Wishes for DWB

DWB's wife Liz let us know that DWB is going to the Mayo clinic today so I thought it would be nice to start a thread for him.


Here is wishing you as pain free a trip to and fro as possible ... may all go well at the clinic.  Will keep you in my thoughts.



Message 1 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

DWB will be involved with medical things all day today and thursday. He enjoys making all of you laugh he keeps telling me about it. He'll be out of action for a few days. My big ol teddy bear is getting old. Somehow he is always happy every single day.  thank you for your prayers. Liz 

Message 16 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

Thanks for the update on DWB Liz, we appreciate when you let us know when he is going to be out of action for a day or two.  Hope all goes well.  He is lucky to have you and speaks so highly of you. 


(((((((DWB & Liz))))))




Message 17 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

DWB is worn out from Mayo. His reaction to them saying nothing they can do was better than mine.we been to mayo for 10 visits in 2 months and they done nothing for him.they can sure see why he is in terrible pain and disabled so much. Made me hurt when they went thru the list of all whats wrong.He's cheering me up on the way home it upsets me terrible to see how incompetant the medical systum is. enjoy your Easter.  Liz

Message 18 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

Oh Liz, I am so sorry for your frustrations and to think DWB was trying to cheer you up.  You have a very special man there in your life ... he loves you and thinks and speaks so highly of you. 


Yes, you are right, it is terrible to identify all that is wrong and then not be able to do anything about it.  How awful.  And we all know how painful it is for him to travel ... hang in there though and hopefully help will come around some how.


Stay strong ... keep smiling.


Happy Easter.


Take care,


Message 19 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

There's an article in the AARP newsletter that talks about how pathetic our health care system has become. I also read one on Yahoo. 


I can empathize with you and DWB...I have a number of different health issues that can't be treated and/or cured. For me it's not because of availability of health's the nature of what ails me. 


I have learned much from DWB about attitude...having a positive attitude and a support network go a long way in helping to get through each day!

Message 20 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

I agree .... that and DWB's sense of humor ... keeps you smiling.



Message 21 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

DWB wanted me to tell you all he'll be back real soon and hugs to all of ya. Got him outside yesterday in the sun and leavin the bedroom window open. the birds come to the trees near the window lookin for him. you never seen anythin like it. the trees fill up with birds when hes out back. He's keepin my spirits up and makin me laugh.Happy Easter - Liz

Message 22 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

Thanks for the update Liz, tell DWB we are all thinking of him.  Happy Easter to both of you.



Message 23 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

Good morning everyone. 


Thank you for all your good wishes during my down time. Going to be back here part time just getting some strength back again. They about killed me up to Mayo. 


Been up there many times the past few months. Back a couple weeks ago they promised to have this big team of surgeons and specilists to go over my situation at a special meeting. It was held last Monday nite.


They called here Tuesday and wanted me in there "right away" for the results. They set up an appointment for 2 p.m. on Wednesday or Thursday I forget what day. Kind of blurry right now.


They pushed me into the doctors room with all the expertise and the results. We waited for a long time. He came in. And asked "what can I do for you?"


We explained about this special meeting and he was the hurry up we had to see. He did not even know what we were talking about????


He looked over MRIs and other testing. Said "there is nothing anyone can do to fix you."  Began to shake hands to leave and my wife about took a fit.:^O


I settled her down. Then asked this expert to please go over my history a little better and give us more than he just did. He looked it all over. I asked him "why am I in so much pain?" 

He said "I dont know?"


Asked "what can be done about it". 
He said "I don't know"?

And he left.


This is the results of 10 different visits with all their "best" as they called them. All kinds of painful and long testing. Each trip up there was brutal to recover from. And they have no idea what I am even talking about?


My wife is more wound up about it than me. I do not "expect" anything ever. "Expecting something" just sets you up for dis-appointments. 


Think about that one????

"Expecting something" just sets you up for dis-appointments. 


My wife is getting ready to push me out with all my friends. 


Big hugs I forget how to do that sorry....


Message 24 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

I am so sorry to hear of your latest Mayo round DWB ... it is just what my doctor said when I asked him why I still had pelvic pain ... he said he had no perfect answer.  I see the specialist in the Physiatry Dept. tomorrow.  I am told these are the people who will have the answers for me.  I hope so.  It is near six months post fracture and I am moving around as if I just hurt myself last month. 


I can see why Liz would be upset.  I watch my husband get frustrated with going from one doctor to another ... one test to another and still no answers. 


Glad you are able to get out with the birds ... may your day contain some peace and contentment.


(((((((DWB & Liz))))))))



Message 25 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

My motto is be prepared for the worst and when it doesn't happen, you'll be pleasantly surprised. That may sound cynical but I find myself pleasantly surprised way more often than disappointed :-x

Message 26 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

Thank you all for being so kind.


Really hurtin just wanted to say hello. Had a good session with the physical therapy yesterday. They help me a lot. She said "you are so swollen everywhere"


She is the smartest kid going. Only 28 and ready to get married in a few months. She really took a liking to talking with me. She calls it "ultra elderly wisdom" :^O


Need to stop Liz is here to get me outside.

Hugs to all


Message 27 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

I love that ... ultra elderly wisdom.  Young people should listen to those of us who are older and henceforth a bit wiser.  Sounds like you have a good physical therapist.


So glad you have Liz to get you outside.  I have started sitting outside for a bit each day.  Read a little or just watch people and birds go by ... it feels good to have the sun on my face for a little bit.  And I love the breezes ... and the sounds that go with spring.  Lawn mowers, leaf blowers, BBQ's and the like. 


Hope you have a good day DWB ... as pain free as possible



Message 28 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB


DWB, your experience with doctors sounds far too common these days. I have been in a wheelchair for nearly 33 yrs  and seen our health profit system first hand. Some days I wonder how I will get through, but somehow I do. I wish you the best of luck for recovery.

Message 29 of 38
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Re: Be Well Wishes for DWB

((((((((((((disabled ebayers)))))))))))))))


I love the kindness and support that this group brings ...



Message 30 of 38
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