Anybody else have a problem with ebay return policy? I very rarely get returns, but recently did, and the buyer and I received an email stating that she had until May 20 to return the item. That was on May 6. She actually bought the item on April 6, and waited the full 30 days to request the return. It is now May 25 and I called ebay to find out why the funds have not been released. Their lame answer was well, wait a few days, bc they should have 15 business days, and technically it has only been 11 bc of weekends. THEN GIVE THE CORRECT DATE ON THE LETTER!!!!!!!!!!! If you say the 20th, you should mean the 20th! And on the 20th or any day after, the seller should not have to call to get the money they are rightfully due. Rules should also apply to buyers. It is bad enough that ebay has control of our bank account, now they can change the rules to suit them whenever they feel like it.