02-13-2019 11:23 AM
Souvenirs a friend gave me from China or Japan a few years ago. Can anyone identify country of origin, possibly what they were used for, type of ceramic? Both are a black textured outer surface with the figures in a smooth white, possibly etched? Both have labels with characters that can be seen in the pictures. The one with the indentations at the top rim has an inner finish that is dark color. The other has a smooth white interior finish. Bottoms are the black textured finish. Both are unmarked as far as I can tell. Someone suggested they were a cigarette holder and an ashtray, but I have no idea. All help is greatly appreciated.
02-13-2019 11:30 AM
Photographs, please.
02-13-2019 11:31 AM
Sorry, I thought they uploaded, I'm trying again.