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New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

Anyone else puzzled by this new required item specific? I’m selling artwork I created myself and have no idea what eBay wants me to say about culture. I’m entering my own as my art is not represented by any of the choices on the list.  I wonder if this item specific is meant for historical items, artifacts or archeological finds. I just don’t know. 

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Re: New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

Ebay is making a mess of the item specifics and I think it is best to ignore the categories that do not apply to your item.  I refer to this article for a seasoned seller


Message 2 of 9
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Re: New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

It's highly doubtful that ebay knows either. Argon , on this board might know.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

Thanks for the advice, I read the article with my mouth hanging open and shaking my head. So many hoops to jump through for so little return.  Will ignore and carry on. 

Message 4 of 9
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Re: New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

 Culture (according to eBay!) means the "Geographic area or cultural style where the product originates from" :



Message 5 of 9
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Re: New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

Haha, yes, that was the first thing I looked at. Did not help at all. How this applies to my listing I couldn’t say.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

Good point @figgymoss , depending on what is put in that box it may or may not help sell your art work ... I wonder who they are using for their  Art expert ???

Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 7 of 9
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Re: New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

They’ve recently hired Mickey Mouse, but as he’s off to Milan with Minnie, Goofy has taken over. 

Message 8 of 9
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Re: New item specifics required in art category - re: Culture selection

Thanks for asking the same question I've been trying to answer; the options for culture is an odd category for my own artwork. 💯😺

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