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Going To eBay Open... Got questions, complaints, suggestions?

I will be going to eBay Open next week.


I posted a while ago that if anyone want to  send me questions, suggestions , complaints, praises , etc I am more than willing to pass  them to the teams or /and  eBay staff members.


So lets hear them !!

ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ Patty ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ
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Going To eBay Open... Got questions, complaints, suggestions?

They need to advertise vintage, NOS, OOAK & get us buyers. Thank you! 😀
eBay member for 25 years
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Going To eBay Open... Got questions, complaints, suggestions?

@mg152 I will pass that along  but in the meantime you might want to take a peak and these commercials:

ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ Patty ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ
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Going To eBay Open... Got questions, complaints, suggestions?



Not to be rude, but how long have you been drinking the ebay koolaid? Like most ebay add campaigns those comercials are full of bulloney!  Those are all about BIN items. Any classic car restorer will tell you that the sellers of OEM or original parts are few and far between on this site. Most of what is available is chinese junk.  The message about eBay handling "everything" is bunk and any experienced member knows it.

As for ebay's current search, finding things has gotten harder not easier, and again searching for POTC items returns mostly copied items from china first. The sellers of real items are at the back of the bus so to speak.


I do have complaints the first is to get ebay to do something about Bid Retractions. Not only do thse retractions mess with our auctions, but it also leads to distrust in eBay's auction system.

I and others have seen bidder profiles mentioned and shown on these boards where people have dozens and sometimes hundreds of retractions in the last 6 months. 

You might mention to any employees interested, that what we need is for eBay to follow their own policies regarding retractions, or give us sellers a new Buyer requirement that allows sellers to automatically block buyers who have 3 retractions in the last 6 months. I would prefer 2 retractions, but I doubt eBay would give us that.


My second complaint is about the Search engine. It needs to be fixed Period!  The Cassini roll out was bad enough, but the "improvements" have done nothing to make it better.  If anything it has become harder to find what is wanted without a lot of search refining, and even then there is still a lot of extranious junk in the results.

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Going To eBay Open... Got questions, complaints, suggestions?

 @mudshark61369 good valid points... I will share them with the teams and report back here.

ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ Patty ღஐƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஐღ
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Going To eBay Open... Got questions, complaints, suggestions?

In the first commercial, at :41,  I find it amusing that they show a shipper quickly put 1 piece of flimsy ebay tape on a bulky box then slap a label on it. Done! So I guess if you actually receive anything by the "guaranteed shipping date", it will be a empty box!

Perhaps you could convince the ebay bosses to learn how to properly package an item.

Other than this sarcasm, I have no suggestions other than maybe ebay could pay us $249 to attend their party. Then I might consider going, but probably not.




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Going To eBay Open... Got questions, complaints, suggestions?

@newnewnewmann, @theshoppingmom2,


newman's point about the power of eBay's commercials is something I thought about addressing earlier. In the longer ad, I just love that a selle sent a vintage turntable in a single wall ebay box packed with tissue paper, and it did not arrive in pieces.

Those turn tables are weighty, and fragile. A turn table should never be shipped with the platter inside the unit since they pop right off. The tone arm should have been secured to prevent needle and cartridge damage, and the whole thing wrapped in at least 2 layers of 1/2" bubble wrap.  If some newbie seller thinks they can ship a vintage turntable that way, their first sale could be their last.

Remember the "Selling on eBay is Simple as 1-2-3" ads?  Those caused a whole slew of new ebay sellers to lose items, money, and probably soured them on using ebay at all.

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