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Countdown Clock Stops in "Place Bid" Pop-up When Trying to Place a Bid

A new problem for both Buyers and Sellers has been confirmed by me and others on eBay.  


When using the "Place Bid" popup window on auctions, the countdown clock will stop after a short time.  When there are just a few minutes left, the countdown clock will stop after 5-6 seconds of clicking on "Place Bid."  If there is more time left in the auction, the countdown clock will stop but will take a little longer.  


This can and will result in:


1)  Buyers losing auctions who are trying to bid near the end of the auction (like many do).

2)  Sellers not getting the most for their items (due to Buyers not entering bids when they see the clock stop).

3)  eBay losing revenue, as auction items may not sell for the highest price they could have (and should have).

4)  eBay potentially losing Customers due to their frustration with the Bidding Interface not working, and not having confidence in the platform.

5)  Auctions no longer being fun, as they joy of bidding at the last minute(s) is now taken away, as you don't know how much time is left in the auction.


Are you also experiencing this?  If so, please let the Community and eBay know.

Message 1 of 34
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Countdown Clock Stops in "Place Bid" Pop-up When Trying to Place a Bid

Is anybody having issue with the current ebay count down clock/timer? Lost several auctions in last few days...

Message 31 of 34
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Countdown Clock Stops in "Place Bid" Pop-up When Trying to Place a Bid

Yes, indeed I have and I believe I've just fixed the issue.......I updated my computer clock.

By right clicking on the computer's Date/Time display (lower RH corner), an options window opens. From there, select "Adjust Date/Time" which will open the date/time System window. Be sure Set Time Automatically is ON and then select Sync Now under the Synchronize Your Clock heading. 

Worked for me, hope it does for you as well 😎

BTW -  Running Windows 10

Message 32 of 34
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Countdown Clock Stops in "Place Bid" Pop-up When Trying to Place a Bid

same thing has happened to me on multiple occasions now, causing me to lose several auctions or pay a higher price than my original "winning bid" I have also been declared the winner  and seen the auction ended screen only to find that I had not won or paid a higher price due to later bids.

Message 33 of 34
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Countdown Clock Stops in "Place Bid" Pop-up When Trying to Place a Bid

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 34 of 34
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