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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

I make a lot of purchases on eBay.  The "Purchase History" summary is important so I can see what was purchased, who from, when, what was paid, tracking, etc.  This summary was changed recently.  Sometimes change is just hard, and "suck it up buttercup!".  But this one takes more screen re-estate.  5 items are now viewable on my 4K monitor rather than 6 like before.  So much more scrolling.  Everything is spaced apart.  Information has been lost such as the ebay item number.  The "Leave Feedback" button used to be right there, but now I have to click "More actions" to see that button.  The seller name and estimated delivery dates are now duplicated for each auction lot if I purchased multiple items.  The update no longer provides a nice summary for multi item purchases.  In the past I tried the "Tell us what you think" button but that seems to lead to a black hole.  This is why I am taking this to the community.  My work-around is to use rather than, but eventually these changes will be rolled out globally unless we can somehow get the feedback across.  In summary:


1 - Fit more auction lots on a page.  Some white space should be removed.

2 - Re-instate the "Leave feedback" button on the summary page.  Do not bury in "More actions".

3 - For multi-item shipments, move the seller id to the summary.  Do not duplicate it per item.

4 - For multi-item shipments, move the "estimated delivery" and returns policy to the summary.  Do not duplicate these per item.

5 - Re-instate the ebay auction ID per item on the summary page.  For my own tracking.

6 - Re-instate the "Order number" which used to be visible for each order.


Or, revert to the previous purchase summary page.  It was much better, although it could also be improved to remove some white space.


It is also worth reviewing the process used to deliver this new summary page.  How could this be possible?  Did someone define requirements for usability?  Does ebay have a QA team which reviews UI changes for usability?


Message 1 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

I do everything from my phone... And that new summary page just mashes everything into a mess. The old one was great.


Nothing I've tried has made it better. Yeah... I've " told them what I think". 

Message 2 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

I use my iPhone for purchase history and such. No ads popping up. There are no ads on the eBay app. on my iPhone thankfully. I can go back to 2020 on my purchases...maybe more..I don't know how far back I can go.

My PC has all these ads. Not the iPhone App. So, in essence I will use a tax deductible at year end on my monthly phone bill since it is part of my business. Oh, I bought a new PC this year and will use that as a year-end deductible as well.

Message 3 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

eBay has been making changes to the Purchase History page, but the changes have not rolled out everywhere yet. Some users are still seeing the old page with the feedback icons. eBay may update the new page further or revert to the old page again.


If the new Purchase History page is not to your liking, check the Orders section of the Summary page as an alternative.


I still see the old Purchase History page, but I can see the new page by altering the page URL, and on the new page I see the order number displayed after the order date and total.


For those that still see the old Purchase History, the new page should be available here:


If you are already seeing the new page, using the old link will deliver the new page.



Message 4 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

Thanks "eburtonlab" for your comments.  It is the new page with the link that you provided which I am unhappy with.  Thankfully does not yet re-direct to "...v2/purchase".  I get the feeling that changes are about trying to making things look prettier or more marketable, at the expense of user friendliness and efficiency.  I hope is to influence the ones deciding on these changes.

Message 5 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

Thanks for your comments.  On the ebay mobile app the purchase history looks reasonable given the comparatively small screen.  While I can seen roughly four listings on my Samsung phone, I can only see six listings on my computer's 4K monitor.  And that is with my web browser stretched from my monitor's top to bottom, and no zoom or magnified fonts.

Message 6 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

Wish I knew how to get through to the ebay developers on this one.

Message 7 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

You and I both, my friend. I've had other system  issues in common with many others here and scratch my head sometimes when things are fixed until they're broken.  This is just that type of case.


I take my time to answer surveys asking what I think, and by their lack of response to me or others to act on them , I believe I've  received my answer, indeed.


As a buyer, most of these issues are a minor frustration that I can work through if I have to. 


I have seen and can well imagine what sellers are dealing with who have to rely on these systems to do business. It is those people that the bigwigs should be listening the most to.  

Message 8 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

My "Purchase History" has missing items (which I can verify from my hard-copy list).


In addition, it would be beneficial to have the complete transaction history (including ALL the photographs), rather than that kid covering his head with his raincoat, with the message "We looked everywhere. . .."  There seems to be no consistency with the age of the transaction when this message pops up -- some of the older transactions provide all the data requested, while more recent purchases receive the Raincoat Kid response.  Why not provide ALL the info, no matter HOW old the purchase?

Message 9 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

eBay typically removes listings after ninety days from selling or ending. Some sellers host their images on other sites, and those images may disappear sooner than the listings are removed by eBay. In addition, some sellers will recycle their item listings by editing them to sell different items, making it harder to keep track of the older listings afterwards.


If listings last longer than ninety days, that may be because those are multiple quantity listings that have not sold or ended yet. Or the seller may be using the "out of stock" feature to keep those listings until they can be restocked.


Some missing purchase history items may not appear when viewing a year's worth of purchase history, but may still be searchable by item title within the purchase history.


If you want to keep a copy of an item listing, you may be better off printing the listing as a hardcopy or saving it as a PDF yourself at the time of purchase or shortly thereafter.

Message 10 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

Everything about the new page is a step back that probably only happened because shareholders demanded some new changes be made. Aside from the feedback button being buried(but it has been 50% of the time, they really want me to return most of my purchases with the button to do so being on top!) I can't even see if feedback has been left or received. I also can't hide purchase entries for charity donations.


But isnce that stupid "we hid a bunch of results from you, look at what WE think is relevant" practice is still ongoing in searches, I doubt they'll be in a hurry to fix this, either.

Message 11 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

This is one of the reasons that I "need" the ebay item number on the summary page.  So I can export it to keep a record, and I have a number which uniquely identifies my order.  I guess they hid the item number because an occasional buyer would not need it.

Message 12 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

I can understand that the images account for the largest amount of data that they need to store for a transaction.  Storing the images for longer would be nice to have, but I am mostly upset at how the new page is a big step backwards in usability / efficiency.  E.g., to find the ebay item number, I now have to open the auction listing and scroll down to find it.

Message 13 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

Well, they need to listen to both sellers and buyers.  Sellers seem to have the most problem with the shipping options ... I can see that they want to ship internationally, because they have a country exclusion list, but the option is there only to purchase locally.  Then me, as a buyer, should be able to contact the seller to confirm their intent, but I am blocked because my address is from another country.  Anyway, it's both the sellers and buyers that they need to listen to.  I am mostly a buyer, and am super frustrated with the new Purchase History summary.

Message 14 of 21
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Anyone else annoyed by the new "Purchase History" summary?

BTW, those surveys seem to have no direct influence on the human interface.  Perhaps the multiple choice options have some grand impact that people in marketing use.  If I see one more "would you recommend us to a friend" style of question......

Message 15 of 21
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