11-23-2019 10:18 PM
Is anyone using a YouTube channel to promote their Ebay store? If so, what promotion methods are you using? Are you getting results? I'm trying to do this with my YouTube channel "Howie's Book Cellar Kids Storytime & Sound Books", but it doesn't seem to be translating into more traffic on Ebay. Just wondering if someone else is doing this and what cross-promotion technique they are using. I get tons of views on my YouTube channel, so that's not an issue. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
11-24-2019 01:06 AM
I'm not trying to burst any bubbles or anything, but I do watch YouTube videos quite a lot. And the most annoying thing is the adverts. I can't imagine watching entire videos that are adverts, though I do know they're out there. I just avoid them.
That said, if you're getting the viewing figures but not any increase in sales perhaps you're not making it clear enough that the books are for sale, or something else isn't hitting the mark. Do you have a link to your eBay items in the info below the video area?
Maybe ask someone else who does marketing similar to yours on YouTube.
I have heard that there are ways to sell via Facebook, but I don't know anything about that. It might be a better place than YouTube for children's books as it has mothers groups, nursery schools and such.
11-24-2019 05:32 AM
@sigmapsidelta wrote:I'm not trying to burst any bubbles or anything, but I do watch YouTube videos quite a lot. And the most annoying thing is the adverts.
I highly recommend Adblock Plus (it's free, and it works).
11-24-2019 03:55 PM
Sorry, OP. Don't mean to hijack your thread, but I'll only be a sec.
Interesting info, Argon. I've seen the ads around for it.
I have a very suspicious nature about such things, and my 'stream of subconscious' automatically copies and pastes from previous encounters: a free product being advertised? Who is paying for the ads? Whoever it is is either lying or insane. Too obvious. Must be a scam of some kind. Maybe contact-transmission - I click and catch the virus. Sod that. I've got bushman/car crash/Bronze Cowboy/true crime/US politics/etc. videos to watch.
Now I have a recommendation from a trustworthy source. That's new and unusual. I like it. I'll give it a go. Thanks.
11-25-2019 03:59 PM
No, it never occurred to me to do that and I don't think I am big enough yet to make it worthwhile. I will say that I found some informative videos from an antiquarian dealer with useful information about old books. I suppose that could draw people to your store versus an explicit advertisement.
11-28-2019 09:23 AM
We make a pretty nice chunk of change on Facebook. My wife sells Fiestaware through about half a dozen different marketplace pages. List once, it broadcasts to all.
There are specialty pages for everything book related, generally by genre. Some are combination discussion and sales groups, others are sales only. I don't post to them regularly enough to get much in the way of traffic. There was a time when eBay offered a 3P tool to post listings to FB on a daily basis and that generated a bit of sales--usually by my customers going to the Ponderosa.
Sales there dropped considerably when they cut that channel out.
Most of the groups are populated with people who are intensely involved in the subject matter--far deepr knowledge than I on any given genre, for example. True collectors. Looking for value and quality but willing to pay for something if they "need" it.