12-13-2016 07:15 PM
Imagine.ink Thanks for bringing over the music of Elizabeth Chan-
Christmas Greetings to Everyone on the Booksellers' Board!
If you have a favorite Christmas song or video to share please post it here.
12-13-2017 06:56 PM
Here's a Christmas story for all the good boys and girls on the Booksellers' Board about an "obese" squirrel (could it be????):
10-12-2018 10:07 AM
12-25-2018 04:05 PM
Merry Christmas to all on the Booksellers' Board! Here's wishing everyone a 2019 filled with exciting book (and photo, ephemera, etc. !) discoveries.
I love reading about everyone's cool/mysterious/puzzling finds, so don't be shy about sharing your acquisitions on this Board.
Here's another Christmas song I recently discovered on the car radio; even though it's been released for quite a while, I had never heard this version before ... a great rendition of "Angels We Have Heard on High":
12-25-2018 11:08 PM
Off and on for the last 30+ years my now adult kids and I attend midnite mass at our church. While mass does start at midnite, the hilite of the evening is christmas carols by the choir that start at 11:15. Same choir director and most of the same choir members over the years.
This year there was a new soloist in the choir, probably she was of high school age, who was remarkable. All our family could talk about afterward was this new soloist.
I hope we can keep her.
I impressed my kids by singing several of the old favorites in Spanish, words I learned more than 50 years ago. Now, if I can just remember all the words to "Gloria", aka Angels we have heard on high.
12-26-2018 02:01 PM
We found $200 tucked inside a paperback mystery in the donation bin today.
I hope no one is panicking about it but we do have a very generous community.
12-27-2018 09:59 AM - edited 12-27-2018 10:01 AM
David, do you shake out the books you receive in the donation bin to find missing things inside? Or do you just do a cursory glance through?
I once found a $5 bill in a Narnia paperback I got at a used booksale; but that was the only money I've ever encountered inside a book.
However, I did find an 1868 Ulysses Grant Presidential campaign ribbon in an 1860s children's book once, which was my best "find in a book" ever.