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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

What else do you make? Woodwork, Candles, Crochet, Sewing, Painting or any other craft/hobbie........other than the obvious (jewelry and beads).......

The more things change, the more they stay insane.
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

My hobbies are gardening, building computers, learning Spanish and PHP. And what are yours?
- Unique and exclusive -
- handmade jewelry -
Message 2 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Hummmm....most of what I do involves jewelry or beadies in some way...pmc etc..LOL Other than that, I take care of the plants on the patio, do a little painting and play backgammon online. Candy 🙂
Message 3 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

I ride horses, play word games online,... go to school... write books...ummmmmmm play a bit of guitar when I music and sometimes play video games..I loooooooove Tetris!... scrap
Message 4 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

For me I have started a new hobby. I'm teaching myself how to do math beyond the basics. I can do basic math but I'm trying to improve my math skills so I can pursue a nursing career. I took a test just yesterday and I now have a math grade level of the 10th grade. I'm pretty proud of myself. I know you can't call teaching yourself math a real hobby but this past year it has become a hobby. Tonya
Message 5 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

ooooooooooosdi****** how are youu????? nice to see you again :) scrap
Message 6 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Hum... let's see I knit, sew, train and show dogs in obedience and agility, and since we have an old house we are remodeling... I do dry wall, tile, paint, hard wood floors, plumbing... oh and just this week I lit a torch and made 3 very wonky lampwork beads :) Capt Elaine
Message 7 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Ohh cool thread! I love hearing about what other people do for hobbies. I started taking saxophone lessons about a year ago. I play flute in my high school alumni band. (class of 83) I also am wild about parrots and have 2 of them. I also love my 2 dogs! Oh then I bead and bead some more! Bead On! wen
Message 8 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Pretty much the question is - what don't I do - I do not want to get old and say "gee, I wish I'd done that, or tried this" so I am doing trying and enjoying every minute. I enjoy all outdoors activities, but golf is big, just started metal detecting and ATVing with the grandkids. I enjoy camping with hubby and brothers and wifes, kids and g-kids when they can make it. I just took up guitar and have taken my second lesson. I want to learn flaminco... I have started writing 3 different books, and in various stages, I love to crochet and read. I grew up riding horses and toying with the idea of maybe getting another one to teach grandkids how wonderful they are.......;)
Message 9 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Well that was a big oops! Don't know what happened maybe someone can fix me?
Message 10 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Ok Candy I fixed it:) As for my hobbies.....I work with wood, I make stained glass, I mess around with lapidary and rocks, I play the fiddle and I still consider lampworking a hobby for me. Ebay just helps me exploit it and I get to make a little money selling my glass creations:D This is a fun thread, I like reading about the things that other people do?
Message 11 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Thank you Roger, me too;)
Message 12 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Tonya.. I have been a nurse for 500 years ( *grin* that is what I tell folks all the time actually since 1971..and I still love it and also love to encourage new nurses and those who are thinking of entering the field of nursing...I am glad to hear that you are thinking of it... Keep up the study ing you can do it!!!! Elaine... where is a picture of those first beads????? come on and show them to us...we want to cheer you on!!!! lets see my hobbies include ( other than bead related stuff which is obvious) I love to do sudoku puzzles am still on the easy level and maybe a few medium...I like to do some video games the puzzle types... tetris, high roller, and lately have been semi addicted to rocket mania... I love collecting graphics and siggies... I cannot make them but love theem...oing some antique hunting..occasionally refinishing a bit of furniture..and have been known to pick up a crochet hook from time to time...
~a controlled pyromaniac ~

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass..
It's about learning to dance in the rain"
Message 13 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

I make cards (handmade greeting cards with stamps, paper, wire, whatever works!!), do gardening (need to take a pic of all the beautiful irises blooming right now), do computer engineering which is my career but is fun and like a hobby for me now that I'm just consulting, cake decorating on occasion, ride horses when I can (which isn't often unfortunately!), help my mom with crosswords (even if she didn't ask for help - LOL) and play soccer! susan
Message 14 of 40
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Your hobbies/crafts other than bbmb

Let's see....I'm into gardening, science fiction, my pets, computers and my favorite, especially this time of year, stormspotting. I'm going to the annual certification class in stormspotting today! Judy
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