12-16-2021 12:32 AM
Found an item that I -thought- I wanted to purchase at the time, so hit 'buy it now'. Realized at last possible moment that it was the wrong item (was 1st ed., not revised), so did not complete checkout. No money changed hands, the auction is still up, and the item does not show in my purchase history (so there is nothing there to cancel).
Recently received a message from eBay indicating that the checkout was incomplete and encouraging me to finish.
Is this a courtesy message than I can safely ignore, or is this a warning?
Regardless, will be -much- more careful about this in the future.
12-16-2021 07:47 AM
Is this a courtesy message than I can safely ignore, or is this a warning?
I have have never run into this situation. If you go to ebay checkout (clicking the SHOPPING CART icon), if there is no Cancel option, then I would ignore the message. It probably is a courtesy message.
12-16-2021 08:00 AM
It is definitely just a courtesy message -- a reminder to nudge you to complete a transaction that has not been completed if you left an item in your cart.
You have not committed to purchase the item; you can ignore the message and delete the item from your cart or save it for later.
12-16-2021 09:20 AM
< so hit 'buy it now' ... did not complete checkout. No money changed hands, the auction is still up >
Considering these, I'd guess it was an Immediate Payment Required listing. Did you see anything that said something like that on the listing or the check out page?
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