on 03-30-2018 04:02 PM
I know I have written about this several times but it is so very frustrating.
yes there are times when I buy made in China junk from ebay but that is because I am looking for it.
I am so sick of searching through page after page of .77 to 50.87 auctions.
I am looking for a very specific silicone bakeware pan that I accidently spashed between a drawer rail in the cupboards.
It is an older pan.
I typed in the manufacturer, the name of the pan and that it is silicone bakeware.
THOUSANDS have come up.
so I typed in just the manufacturer and baking pan
THOUSANDS came up.
My entire lunch hour
41 pages later I found 3. Yes THREE that were actually my search
The rest are all the made in China insert bad word here.
auctions for $.77-$50.87
after about 20 pages I went back and put a price listine figuring it would be about 9.00 to 12.00
THOUSANDS came up.
there they were $.77-$50.87
So I started looking again and it wasn't until I hit page 41 and found a "New" one. Well it can't be "new" because the company went out of business at least 5 years ago. so the best it can be is listed as used or pre-owned and in description saying it has never been used which is pretty much a death sentence for these pans, as they do turn hard and unmanageable over time without proper care, use and washing.
So off I went to look again. At page 64 and 69 once again I found "New" pans
With the specifics I put in search and the fact they matched up to the titles in all three auctions, I should not have to endure seaching THOUSANDS of Made in China no name brands to find one piece of silicone bakeware.
Honsestly if Etsy can do it, why can't Ebay?
I went on Etsy first, didn't find the pan I needed but bought two others from the same manufacturer and only had to endure 3 pages.
Ebay has been overun.
It is becoming more and more of a burden to use everyday