01-18-2025 04:57 AM
I had to reprint a shipping label to add insurance. I have not received credit for the unused label. The item has been shipped and delivered. The item still shows it needs shipped and under the tracking and manage shipping tab it shows carrier has rejected as cancelation rejected. it was shipped usps priority. I still have the original printed label.
How do I resolve and receive credit back?
01-18-2025 06:32 AM
If you purchased a label on eBay that was never scanned, you have up to 28 days to void that label. It will then take around 21 days to see the refund.
01-18-2025 01:48 PM
Thanks, but if I go to cancel the label under actions it states
Cancel your shipping label
This shipping label can't be cancelled. The carrier has already rejected your previous request.
Go to shipping labels
If I go to the order, it says I can still purchase a label?
It shows order has not been shipped even though it was shipped.
What can I do?
01-20-2025 05:18 AM
Your best bet is to message eBay on their Facebook page
They can take a look at your Account to see what's going on.
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