on 01-03-2019 12:13 PM
Open letter of complaint to Ebay about having to call your call center:
Biggest pet peave and annoyance is the initial explanation to the call center rep, thoroughly outlining why im calling and they reply "okay so I understand the reason you're calling today is ............." then repeats what I just said as if they have no clue what I meant, then LITERALLY starts asking dumb ass off the wall questions.
Ebay's call center reps can be some incompetent people without any sort of intellegance. Its frustrating as is having to call but to have to speak to a rep that is just repeating what I am saying proves to me they dont know how to resolve an issue with their own knowledge.
Also, ebay if you read this: Have these people STOP giving a summary of what was done and spoke about. We HATE summaries at the end of the calls. Once my issue is taken care of, I want to HANG UP, not hear a run on blah blah blah of what was supposedly done.