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What happens if a buyer dosn't agree to cancel Order

Hi,i had something up for auction and it sold, but the item was damaged and broken and therefore i really do not want to send them it as it is not as discribed and it no longer worth the value they paid for it. They have not paid anything yet. I sent them a message explaining and also requested to cancel the order. But it has been a few days now and i have no heard anything from them and they have not responded to the cancellation request. 


Could someone help me out with a bit of info please. What happens if they do not respond in anyway? 


I am not a seller on here, However we needed money for Christmas coming up so decided to sell some of our things, so i am a bit thick when it comes to all this lol


Thanks in advance

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If they do not respond, you can close it yourself and get your FVF credit/issue any required refund after 10 days (I believe that it is the time, the last time I did this it was 7 days, but I'm not sure if there were extenuating circumstances there - you will see a link to do this in the case once the required time has elapsed).