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Welcome to Ewatchers

EBay wants to welcome you to EBay with a name change Ewatchers here at Ewatchers nothing sells just endless watching why buy today what you can put off till tomorrow. Here at Ewatchers you can keep an eye on articles you thinking about months at a time. Don’t feel worried it will be there when you check back in September. Sellers why get caught up on worrying about figuring out profits. Here at Ewatchers there is no profit just a slow steady loss. Every month we handle the reposting for you with a little fee of course eventually if ever when buyers finally decide to buy your article may sell. This is not a guarantee because occasionally we allow buyers to shaft our sellers. We are on the buyer side at Ewatchers. They say a speaker doesn’t work it must be true many of our rip off artists are “new” Americans we want them to feel welcomed and teach us and our community about their buying techniques. Our investigative staff never bothers to visit their junk stores where your laptops and iPods etc are being sold after they fix your broken stuff he he. Please hurry and visit Ewatchers because chances are in a few months to year or so we won’t be here anymore because those spesky honest sellers will shut us down seems they actually want their stuff to sell those greedy sellers. 

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