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Seller has not responded to a Damaged Item return request!

I am having a serious problem with EBay policies on this return that I am in the process of. A seller shipped to me a clearly damaged item, my son's big Christmas present this year. I sent in a return request on the 17th of December, as I am struggling to rescue Christmas. It is currently the 21st of December, and there has been no response by the seller. I called Ebay, for several reasons (like the request NOT showing up at my Resolution Center AT ALL. And the Customer Service member that responded to my call was like a broken record, saying the same things over and over and not hearing what I was saying. At any rate, that is merely issue #1 of this process.

Issue two is this: I was informed that Ebay could not interfere until the 21st of December. But on my clock, it is the 21st. She kept telling me to call back tomorrow, but she meant later today. Or at least that is what I would be doing in this case. However, the wording on the return request (that is not in my resolution center) is "We'll send you an email when the seller responds to your request. If you have not agreed on a solution or the seller has not responded by Dec 20, 2018, you can ask us to step in and help." The wording clearly says BY the 20th. I have cut and pasted this from my initial return request. But Ebay apparently means AFTER the 20th. However, I can only go by what I am told, which was by the 20th. Plus I am busy all day when I wake up later today. I don't have time to call back and nag about a delinquent seller. I was sold faulty merchendise. I am the injured party here. I am following their own guidelines handed to me about this return. I should be helped.

Issue #3: She goes on to tell me that I need to operate on Pacific time. Well, neither the buyer nor the seller live in the Pacific Time Zone. I live in Michigan. The seller lives in Ohio. We are in the SAME time zone, where it is already the 21st of December. She informs me that I can call back at 5 am and they will help me. WHAT?? It would take less time for me to drive to the seller's house and throw the item at it. And I would get more sleep. . .


EBay needs to change their wording to be more clear on the time allotted the seller to respond. They clearly do not mean BY the date, they mean AFTER the date. And if two parties are involved in the same time zone that is different from Pacific, they should deal in that time zone.


And I still don't have the only thing that my kid asked for for Christmas this year. And it is December 21st. And I ordered it on December 7th. Thanks for ruining Christmas, EBay and scrupleless seller. I may have to seriously rethink my usage of EBay both as a buyer and a seller.

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