on 05-08-2019 01:31 PM
I dont need an answer or response to this comment but just needed to get it off my chest and hopefully someone in the vast sea of ebay execs will hear my complaint. i resent. resist and refuse to allow ebay to continue to "piggyback" information about competitors on my listings pages. i list a basket, they list many other sources for the same or similar category of collectible. i pay for that page. i advertise the material on that page. if it sells i pay fees for the use of that listing. if it does not sell i still pay fees for the use of that platform. putting up adverting from others who deal in similar material? why would i want you to distract buyers from what i am trying to sell? it is hard enough to get items sold without using my fees to list others selling the same material.
oppose this practice by giving you comments to them at every chance. you pay for the use of the page. you should control the content of that page. this is not a public free platform. we pay for the use of and content on that ebay auction page.
d. l. geary
20 year ebay user