on 08-29-2018 08:27 AM
Hello everyone. I hope that someone from Ebay can help me here, obviously within a reasonable time period, because I want to avoid posting this on Facebook and other media because there is no need for all that stuff since I don't think this is anything too complicated to resolve. But of course if nothing happens here within 48 hours, I am going to the next level to the BBB, Facebook, the complete sports package, because frankly, I'm sick and tired of the average consumer getting crushed day in and day out.
So down to business.
8/28/2018 - 12:59 AM EST - I place my Ebay.com order using the PREGAME15 promo code. I get an Ebay notification stating that my order was placed, and that I saved $58.83.
Minutes later, Ebay notifies me that the sellers have not received my payments for the expensive items in my order, but for the less expensive items, everything went through. I call in at around 1:05 AM, to Ebay Phone Support, but of course I get a message saying that the Ebay offices are closed, and that I should call in once the offices are open.
Today, 8/29/2018, at around 10:30 AM, I call in to Ebay Phone Support, and I explain the situation. The first response I get is that the promo code that I used is not allowed to be used on multiple items. I say this is wrong, and that I have a screenshot of the fine print which clearly states that the promo code can be used on only 1 transaction. So if I wanted to order 100 items, at $0.50 a piece, but all in one order, then I would still be within the constraints. The rep continues to tell me that I am wrong, I repeat the logic and play schoolteacher explaining basic logic and math, and then he goes on hold. After the hold, his earlier claim of multiple items not being allowed magically goes away, and his second response is that I should have called Ebay Phone support right after this happened, and he questioned me about why I didn't call in right after it happened. I told him that I did, and that the Ebay offices were closed. His third response is a "Sorry". I obtained the case number from the REP; it is 1-175163106797.
I blocked all the personal info from the image depicting this whole saga, and I'm attaching this image here.
At the end, my orders for:
SANNCE 10.1" Monitor Wireless 1080P 4CH P2P NVR 720P CCTV Security Camera System
( 273038098396 )
Add note
US $297.58
MTM Survivor Ammunition Can
( 392041037549 )
Quantity: 2
Add note
US $39.90
Never went through, meaning that I lost the opportunity to use the 15% off promo code for these items.
You can calculate all the numbers yourself, and inspect my attached evidence, and you will clearly see that I am within the constraints of the promotion.
Bottom line, pay attention to the wording: "You saved $58.83 on this purchase"
It does not say: "You will save $58.83 after we approve your purchase" or any other derivative statement. Technically, this implies an activity that has been concluded, and does not present any ambiguities. But according to Ebay right here and now, I'm the one who doesn't know what he is doing. But we will see who is right and who is wrong, becase I don't play any other way; it's 2018. The fact that I have to play this game in today's environment is a disgrace.
After 2.5 hours of screenshots, PII sanitizing, phone calls, and messages, let's see what happens. Thanks!
@phillyforreally_1 wrote:... 8/28/2018 - 12:59 AM EST - I place my Ebay.com order using the PREGAME15 promo code....
Your timeline is confusing. The offer was not in effect at 12:59 AM on 8/28. It started at 8 AM Pacific time and ended at 10 PM.