on 02-24-2018 01:53 PM
I received one of those messages from "no.reply@ebay.com." There is a link in the message to (supposedly) make contact if I have any questions (which I do), but the link simply leads to the ebay help home page, which is not at all helpful.
At the moment I'm not in a position to call them, or have them call me, and the help pages do not offer an email option. Does anyone know of a way to respond to one of these messages via email? Thanks.
There is no public email address to send to. However, if you use one of the social site contact methods,
eBay will respond on your email address.
You can call eBay or contact them on Facebook.com/eBay or Twitter.com/AskeBay
For the social sites...Give only your userid and a description of the issue. Do not include any personal info. eBay will contact you though your email address or tell you how to contact them directly.