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Ebay avoids insurance responsibility and fails to protect buyer

eBay has lost my keyboard, avoided paying me for insurance and lost keyboard, and made a 7-minute decision in the buyer’s favor without ever trying to understand what happened. I paid eBay $75 for a label with full insurance to cover my entire keyboard and paid UPS $79 for them to pack it and to pay for all the packing material they wanted to use. To this moment, no, one has been able to tell me any one thing that I did wrong the entire time, as I’ve been careful to follow all directions and protect myself in every way.


I’ve spent hours dealing with this while eBay, UPS, and Paypal have ping ponged me around. eBay wrote in an email to me that they lost the keyboard before it could be inspected and for that reason they would pay me for the keyboard in 5 to 7 business days. Fine. But the end of deadline eBay created for themselves was yesterday and the email thread they were using to communicate this now responds with a ‘no reply’ when I try to use it, and no one of course has reached out to me.


I’ve read online that many people have had similar issues and a lot of them sued in small claims. They won of course. I just didn’t feel good about taking it that far, but I have made every effort I could think of (multiple times) to get help resolving this, and it’s gotten me nowhere. I guess eBay just figures they make money off of the people who don’t sue when they do this kind of thing. It’s NOT a coincidence. There are people discussing how they won lawsuits for cases like this against eBay ALL over the internet and if you saw half of my effort (which I can show through loads of screenshots, recordings, etc.), you would see that this is obviously a very intentional system setup that is bound to suffer punitive damage at some point. It’s not even worth all the hours I spent, but I’ve always put dedication to my principles as my top priority and I’m not going to support eBay’s behavior by allowing their negligence to be profitable in this situation.


I’ve done everything I can to resolve this cordially, and I’m done wasting time discussing this with very nice representatives, but who tell me they’ll get it resolved and I’ll get my money, and then nothing happens and they can’t be reached.


I could go on a lot longer lol but I’ll spare you. I’m interested to hear from other people who have had or are having similar issues.

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