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Accidently Shipped Wrong Item to Buyer - Buyer Let Me Know He Received - Now Wont Respond Back



On 7/15/22, I shipped items won by 2 different buyers incorrectly. Each buyer received each other's item on Monday 7/18/22, and both sent me emails on Tuesday morning 7/19/22 letting me know he didnt receive the item he won but a different item entirely.  They asked me to assist with the issue in getting them the item they actually won.


i responded back to each buyer, letting them know that I was sorry for the inconvenience. I asked each to ship back the item they received back to me, and I would ship him the correct item that he had won in the auction once I received the items from the buyers. I let one buyer know i would provide him with a $25.00 refund for his item, and let the other buyer know that I would provide him a full refund on his item once i received the items back from each. 


One buyer responded back immediately (the buyer with the $25.00 refund offer), and said he shipped the item back to me on Tuesday 7/19 afternoon and provided tracking. The other buyer (the buyer I offered a full refund to) , who I sent 3 follow up emails to asking for an update, has not responded back. 


If the buyer who is no longer responding (who also sent me 2 emails letting me know he has the other buyer's item; asked me for assistance; I have tracking information confirming he received the other buyer's item), what steps can I take through ebay to assist?







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