on 12-17-2018 09:34 AM
Good afternoon.
I got this message from You:
"We had to remove this listing from the site and you're not required to complete the transaction. If you've already sent payment, the sale should process as normal and you don't have anything to worry about. If you have any questions about delivery, please check tracking or contact your seller. If you run into any trouble along the way eBay is here to help. Please visit the Resolution Center to help resolve any problems you may encounter." "This user is no longer registered on eBay."
I afraid, that I'll not get this item. Seller have not send until now any info about that. How I can be sure at my item is shipped? Money transfer was made 2 weeks before this situation.
Thank You for any info and help.
Item number: 233013125591
Best regards,
Vadim Gerasimov