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Unusual Activity in Stats

Two days ago my Site began to lose Impressions and Page Views all pertaining to Promoted Standard.  See the Images Below.  


Starting with July, 20, you see my Impressions are 76,791 where I commonly gain 150,000 daily.  That was the first sign of this Malaise.  Which I spotted yesterday.  Look at PROMOTED on this date in the Image for 7/20.  It's at 67 Views pertaining to most of my 123 listings.  Usually at 7% and up, if not Maxed out at 11% etc.  So your saying well, so what.  You have 179 Page Views, big deal.  But I average about 250 and up on Page Views for well over a year.  And my IMPRESSIONS average Generally 150,000, everyday if not over 200,000 which I've gotten on certain days.  Thus, this is the beginning of my Promoted Downfall.  These are 24 Hour Statistics.  Closed For The Day.


example of change 7.23.60 1.jpg


Now let's take a look at the Stats for July, 21st.


july 21.jpg


As you can see, suddenly, and rather alarmingly I have 4 (Four)  2.1% (Down 97.6%) Promoted Page Views, yet interestingly 44.4% 4 Promoted Sales.  And 11,914 Total Impressions.  It's Tuesday morning here in Los Angeles, but yesterday when I found the Statistics for Monday I was rather shaken and disturbed to see that my Promoted was suddenly at ZERO (0)  100% DOWN.  Meaning, that me and eBay may have lost Sales, of course, which is Not a Good thing for me or my Platform eBay.


Well I got on the Horn, Yesterday, with the contact Agent by 'Chat', it's actually called that.  So I was explaining to the Secretary, that my Promoted is literally at Zero, although my 123 Promoted Listings are still Promoted. 


She did inform me that I'm in good standing, that everything is fine and no issues.


She then suggested that I change some copy or add an image or two or check out the competition.  So I did say that that's not the reason for this odd drop to zero.  


She then essentially gave up.  Because she is not Tech.  I simply realized that this was not important to eBay as a whole.  Not unusual if you are not creating over $100,000 dollars a year for eBay.  In commissions, I mean.  I'm not Pinehurst, in other words.  That this probably wouldn't happen to them.  So not biggie of course.


Now onto that Monday yesterday.


july 22.jpg


Here are the Stats, yesterday when I found out about my Stat Crash.  Promoted 0 100% DOWN!  Do notice that 2 sales were 'garnered' by Promoted, although Promoted didn't happen yesterday.  And do note that my usual 150,000 Impressions for 24 Hours, are at 12,551. 


No problem here!


So, Later on Monday, about 3 hours later I decided to call eBay.  Which I never do.  I don't speak to others on the Phone, unless it's my Brother.  


She, most telephoners are teenagers or women.  No men, of course, seemed to understand this trouble at first, but then she mentioned that I should examine a listing or two and change an image or some such.  I explained to her that I have over 3.9 Thousand Sales.  Which, of course didn't mean anything to her.  After all, I'm not Donald Trump or a movie star.


After some entreaty she did decide to write up a Ticket.  But I don't think it got there.  Because nothing seems to be changing.


july 23.jpg


It's 6:00 am, now in Los Angeles and there are the Stats today so far.  Do notice the One Sale on, of course, Promoted.  At ZERO PERCENT.


Apologies to Brett Easton Ellis, but


Who exactly is Less Than Zero, here:








Clay Scott Brown












Clay Scott Brown
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