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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

ha ha ha. no wonder he was an ahole, he had small man's complex, so he took it out on you. My first husband was raised by an ultra disciplinarian, and he was very abusive. he used to say I never finished anything and that I always had too many irons in the fire. that was his favorite quote. I did have many, but I finished them!! Second husband was very supportive but he hated himself, so there wasn't much I could do and I ran out of energy, especially after he told me he didn't want kids after 6 years, and my baby making days spent on him. Now, I have Eric, My MF, who is the greatest!!! and that's that! If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you must accept your mate, because there is no saving or changing them!! only they can do that,and you will waste your life trying! -- NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Be a patron of the arts: Art and science keep us civil! -- Edited by artshtick at 03/10/2010 4:04 PM PST -- Edited by artshtick at 04/06/2010 4:02 PM PDT

Be a patron of the arts: Art and science keep us civil!
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

This topic was branched from Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread!
<< DEB >>
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

I agree, you can't change them so you best find one you like. That's sad that you got stuck with 2 of them. I have been divorced for 12 years and I made a few mistakes after wards. Seems like you pick the same kind of jerk you had before. I finally figured out I deserved better, and now I got it! Some times you just have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. I was starting to get worried cause I was getting slimy lips! -- Reality was once someone's dream.
Reality was once someone's dream.
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

yup!! I didnt pick the same jerk. I waited 10 years to get married to a nice guy, but he changed his mind about a family. well, maybe he was a jerk aferall!! LOL new thread? We do talk a lot. -- NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Be a patron of the arts: Art and science keep us civil!

Be a patron of the arts: Art and science keep us civil!
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Talking a lot is a good thing, well sort of. I have been accused of being the Energizer Bunny when I get talking. -- Reality was once someone's dream.
Reality was once someone's dream.
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Talking is good. Frogs are sometimes better than men. What can I say but that I was LOL at the slimy lips remark!
Message 6 of 550
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Cheryl, I have a question. Do I still send the artwork I receive on to Lynda? or does it just go on to you instead? I had sent the Octopus one on to you, omitting Lynda and wanted to know before the next piece arrives. My first husband died in a car wreck 25 years ago. I was 26 and had a 6 yr old and 9 month old sons to raise. I met my 2nd husband 6 months after Scott had died. He ended up being verbally abusive and I now realize that I was probably still mourning when I met him (now the ex). But, at the time, the ex treated me special. He was charming etc,. After we married, he became controlling and abusive (alcoholic). We did have 3 terrific girls that I wouldn't trade for anything. He also helped me buy the farm I now live on and it was the very one my first husband always wanted. I kind of figured that there was a larger 'hand' controlling everything. Oh, well, I'm happier now. Went back to my maiden name and am just me now. No BF's or MF's. Haven't had time for guys, but, with 6 years of college behind me, who knows. Kim
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Wow, that could be a story for a novel. -- NEVER EVER GIVE UP! Be a patron of the arts: Art and science keep us civil!

Be a patron of the arts: Art and science keep us civil!
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Or a round robin! It would be cool to do a round robin where each person added something significant - an item or a scene or character - from their life. That would make each piece so personal. -- << DEB >> Visit My Blog!
<< DEB >>
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Wow, Kim, such a lot to go through in one lifetime (with a lot left to that lifetime, too). Everyone has a story. Remember that reporter who used to throw a dart at a map, go that place and take a random number from the local phone book and then do a story on whoever answered the phone? He always came up with an interesting story. -- Susan
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Great idea Deb, I never saw the show you are referring to Susan but it sounds like a good one. I too have a ex that today is still around a bit, he is at our mutual grandkids birthdays, etc. We get along OK. I have been married to my 2nd hubby for almost 37 years, we celebrate our anniversary in July. It has not all been a smooth road but maybe roads are not meant to be smooth. Where of where is my lamp post start? I sent it to Deb and she posted her addition and I have not heard or seen anything of it since then.
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Kim, I'm not sure I don't know if she is really interested in working on it. I think it sounded fun to her but then life sort of intervened. Maybe just go ahead and send to me then if she contacts anyone we can send them to her. You sure have been thru a lot, it does sound like movie of the week material. I do think we have things happen to us for a reason. I know if I hadn't lost my job I would never have developed the relationship I have with my MF now. I met him thru work, and we continued talking after I left my job. He is the one who helped me the most in just surviving. I lost my job, lost my home of 24 years, and was in the hospital for a week after being diagnosed with diabetics, all in a 3 month period. I came out of it stronger and even though I haven't got a lot of money now, or as much material stuff I am a lot happier. -- Reality was once someone's dream.
Reality was once someone's dream.
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

Cheryl, I'll send them on to you then, after I'm done with them. Susan, that reminds me of Mermaids, whenever Cher's character got too involved with a man, she pulled out a map, closed her eyes and pointed her finger at a town, then moved there with her two girls. (She also had a 57 nomad/wagon. I'm supposed to get one when both the car and I both turn 57. I can wait). She was a lot gutsier than me. I only moved about 17 miles away from where I grew up. I know my life sometimes sounds movie of the week. It makes you grow and hardship seems to build character. I look at it this way, it all helped me when I went back to college late in life. I took it seriously with no partying distractions. I got my money's worth out of it. Now, I feel like I did in 20's, before marriage and kids only I have years of life experience to fall back on. Guess I'd better get back to arting. I'm actually selling artwork and for a good price. I'm sure all of eBay's changes will mess it up X-(. Kim
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

WOW... Guess we really all do have a story. I'll make mine short (as to the ex) 3 yrs. ago he abandoned me and the kids (6 & 9 at the time) here in KY so that he could pursue his inflatable mistress more freely back at home in CA. We thought we were coming out here for 1 yr. (my mom was having double knee replacement surgery) he was supposed to stay with friends and we were going to be able to pay off a couple of credit cards from all the money we'd save in rent.... They will be going on a cruise (her kids too) for spring break while we struggle with making rent and paying bills. life ~ hey at least I don't live in Haiti, Chile, Afganistan, Africa... it could be worse Debrah ~ Oh and I don't date even though I'm still young enough and pretty enough, it just doesn't seem worth the risk
Message 14 of 550
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Round Robin 2010 Spoiler Thread II

It sure seems like we have all had some bad experiences with men, but it looks like we have all gotten smarter and are a lot better off now. What doesn't kill ya makes you stronger. Kim you're selling stuff?? I thought it was dead out there I haven't listed anything in ages and haven't even felt inspired to do anything. -- Reality was once someone's dream.
Reality was once someone's dream.
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