04-16-2013 09:41 AM
This month we would like to do a little something different. One of our younger members just had a baby today.. Congratulations to Katie Hone. Instead of posting one picture for everyone to do we would like for everyone to please do a baby themed ACEO and what we would like is for the end results to be sent to Katie for the baby. I guess we can call this a ACEO Baby Shower. Lets put on our thinking caps and come up with some good ideas. We will still pick a winner and the details of the new baby and picture will be posted in this thread with a mailing address later. If it would be simpler for everyone they could also be mailed to me and I will forward them to Katie since she is in England.
The peoples choice(by member voting) will be featured in the group's home page for a month.
Please post your completed ACEO pieces in this thread anytime within the "Time Frame" below. You may enter as many ACEOs as you wish,
Time Frame - - this activity runs from April follows:
1) From 4/16/13 to 4/27/13 at midnight eBay time: post your entries in this thread. All you need to enter is to post your ACEO here within this time frame. Any entries posted outside this time frame will net be eligible - no exceptions!
2) 4/28/13 - Polls go up for voting. Voting ends at midnight 2/30/13
3) 5/01/13 - The winner is announced and the winning interpretation is posted on our home page. Let's see how much participation we can have... What medium do you use? How creative can you be? Show us!
Any questions, please ask in this thread… Have fun!
P.S. If you have images you want to donate for future photo challenges, please post them in this thread: http://groups.ebay.com/topic/Aceo-Art-Cards/Announcementstheme-Weeks-Contests/Photos-Wanted-Photo/16...
c/o Katie Hone
10 High Street
PE26 1AE
United Kingdom
-- Edited by julesststudio at 04/16/2013 9:43 AM PDT
-- Edited by southshoreartist at 04/16/2013 10:08 AM PDT
-- Edited by southshoreartist at 04/18/2013 5:21 PM PDT
-- Edited by southshoreartist at 04/18/2013 5:21 PM PDT
-- Edited by southshoreartist at 05/15/2013 10:47 AM PDT
-- Edited by southshoreartist at 05/29/2013 6:43 AM PDT04-17-2013 09:05 AM
I still cannot upload the jpg to this thread. It says it is the wrong file type. So I put it on Flikr. Hope that's okay. If not, let me know and I will try again tomorrow. Thanks.
Penny StewArt
04-17-2013 02:35 PM
hmmm Penny....good site...I went to save it to upload it for you and it won't let me LOL.....If you want me to upload, please give me a shout either here or on fb
04-17-2013 05:15 PM
Here is my ACEO Shower gift for Katie and little Georgie Girl .... I am not listing it on eBay because I am sending the original to Katie and Georgie Girl tomorrow (if I can get a address for them that soon) ... I call it "Georgie Girl's Fairy"
Can you send me Katie's address in England so I can get it in the mail to her?
You can send it to me at:
Thanks a bunch!
-- Edited by ireland.brady at 04/17/2013 5:20 PM PDT04-18-2013 07:37 AM
You little fairy is so cute!
04-18-2013 07:40 AM
04-18-2013 07:43 AM
I have a MAJOR question??????
How does everyone photograph - scan -- whatever -- to copy their ACEOs for saving on the computer?
I really like Permacolor Pen and colored pencils -- but when I scan them it shows little flaws in the picture that you can't see with the naked eye. Sometimes my pictures are nice but the copy looks so amateurish ---- Doesn't help with sales.
LOL maybe they are amateurish -- hahaha -- and my naked eye can't see!
-- Edited by flags! at 04/18/2013 7:45 AM PDT04-18-2013 08:58 AM
Love your Victorian Carriage ACEO Bev!
I like your question ... I think everyone has that problem. I use the initial scan to show me my weaknesses, make some alterations and see if that improves things.
Most people, myself included, take the scanned image into an application like Photoshop and adjust it until it matches the original. I use a real technical method ... I hold the original up to the monitor until the colors there closely match the colors in the original.
04-18-2013 10:46 AM
darn I keep looking for the like button and its not there! I'll get an address posted here as soon as I can, right now I think Katie is tuckered out and doing a lot of resting so I havent bothered here but will try and get one today.
04-18-2013 04:42 PM
I have tried 3 times to edit to add Katies address to send to and it will not let me for some reson so I will add it here and it the Facebook group. Please sent her baby ACEO's to:
Katie Hone
10 High Street
PE26 1AE
United Kingdom
04-18-2013 06:44 PM
Posting for Penny StewArt 🙂 (pink gypsy)
awesome entry Penny ....Good Luck 🙂
04-18-2013 06:45 PM
anyone else having problems uploading give me a shout.either here or on FB
04-20-2013 12:31 PM
Here is my card for Katie and little Georgie, babies aren't really a strong point of mine art-wise but I really wanted to take part in this and of course the name George made me think of only one thing: a slight twist then on the old children's book, it's now 'Georgie's Dragon' ^_^
04-20-2013 12:37 PM
oh I love love love the little baby fairy and the dragon, everyone is coming up with such good ideas I wish mine would have scaned better but here it is.. Miss Georgie.
04-20-2013 01:29 PM