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Is your eBay Store in need of a refresh? eBay Advocate Lead for Seller Experience, Chuck Van Pelt brings us five tips for revitalizing your eBay Store’s appeal to buyers. Griff and Brian answer seller questions about the new USPS Ground Advantage service and hazardous materials, and how to view your listings on international sites.

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Is your eBay Store in need of a refresh? eBay Advocate Lead for Seller Experience, Chuck Van Pelt brings us five tips for revitalizing your eBay Store’s appeal to buyers. Griff and Brian answer seller questions about the new USPS Ground Advantage service and hazardous materials, and how to view your listings on international sites.

Episode Links:
USPS Ground Advantage Site
Business Policies Help Page
Recurring Links:
eBay for Business Podcast
eBay Seller Spotlight Podcast
eBay for Business Podcast Listener Survey
eBay Seller News Announcements
eBay for Business Facebook
Community Chat with eBay Staff
eBay Seller Center
eBay Help
eBay Local Seller Events
Seller Hub
eBay Events


Hi Griff, Thanks for the info on researching solds from the app---very helpful!


A few suggestions for the Stores team, from discussions I've had with other sellers :


1. If you want to see increased adoption of store features, especially things like the Store Video and About Info, you need to give us Store Tracking. Sellers are reluctant to spend time creating a video when we have no way of tracking the views to know whether it was worth the effort or not.


2. We need more ways to drive traffic directly to the Store Home page. I've seen the Display Ad being tested, but it takes buyers either to an individual listing or a category landing page within my store.


3. We need more customization features.  For example, ebay's dropdown for the rows on the Home page includes three holidays: Mothers Day, Fathers Day, and "Holidays" (which most think of as Christmas and New Years. Halloween will be here soon....Thanksgiving....but no, I'm not asking for more items in the drop down. Instead, give us the ability to create our own 


4. I have hundreds of store categories created over the years. I really want to restructure these. I have about 800 listings currently, most of which have 2 store categories designated. Every time I look at the Category page I run away from making changes----either simplify how it is done, or provide a video tutorial (with a link on the page) so we can see how to do it. I really, really would love to update my categories, but this really needs a tutorial, and one that begins with the assumption that the seller already has listings and existing categories he wants to change, not from the assumption that the seller is starting from scratch.


5. Social Media: We should have a dedicated discussion board in the Community for sellers to discuss how we use social media etc. This would be helpful for sellers and would increase adoption.


What happened to Twitter? It was one of the platforms supported by this, and then vanished. My guess is, Twitter is a hot mess and this was a Twitter issue. But why did ebay not put up a statement confirming that it had been removed? One day it's there, the next day it isn't. That's not good communication.


A few years ago, ebay had announced that items sold via a Social media referral would be charged a reduced FVF of, as I recall, 2.5%. This was greeted with loud Huzzahs from the Seller Community, but we have heard nothing since. If you want sellers to use social media to send buyers to ebay (especially if you want the increasing numbers of multi channel ebay sellers to do so), making this promise a reality would be a big help.


I'll stop there. I have always thought stores could and should be a really dynamic part of the ebay business, and after Wenig's departure and the decision to provide new billboard functionality etc, I felt ebay was headed in the right direction with this. But there's a lot more ebay needs to do to make stores a robust part of the business. Unfortunately, my impression is, we've slipped back to the old days, with the emphasis on listings, and stores are an afterthought. I hope I'm eventually proven wrong.

Oh, I do want to add this, sunder Stores: Social Media


One result of the new Promoted Listing Standard "halo" fee is that it is entirely possible that I could send a buyer to a listing directly from my social media page, and , if he buys it, I will get hit with the PLS halo fee because, sometime within the last 30 days, the buyer had viewed a completely unrelated item which was one of my promoted items. The way it works now, ebay will attribute the sale to that , rather than to my social media referral. 


We need assurance that ebay will make an exception for social media referrals.

Thank you all very much for keeping us informed as to the upgrades across all platforms. As I was pecking my way through the first class shipping items on my listings, I knew there was a far more efficient method for changing. One year in for me gentleman ,  and I have learned so very much about e-commerce and your helping us keep ahead of projected changes is valuable. Scurrying to keep order in correct placements is wasted time and revenue. Again, thank you . 

Is there a report that shows all items listed as first class mail? Trying to get those changed to USPS ground advantage. Thanks in advance.

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The eBay for Business podcast is published every Tuesday morning and is presented by eBay, Libsyn and Podcast411.