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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

Hello everyone.


It's time for our monthly meeting,  This time we're going for the oddbal stuff:    Odds and Sods for show and tell.


Now's the time to show off your oddball collections and the things that tide you over when your stamp budge for your main collection gets tight,  Are you an everything collector who's never met a philatelic item you didn't love?  Do you have things that fit into multipled categories in your collections? 


We'll also be talking about eBay's prohibition on listing items from certain countries?  Does that  affect you as a seller and/or collector? 


The buffet in the Balcony will reflect the meeting's theme.  Sheryll has volunteered to bring chili grasshoppers from Mexico, matchsticks from Australia, and whatever.  I'm bringing chocolate covered ants, a few scorpion delacies, and some fried  17 year cicadas from my freezer, and maybe some prairie oysters.  Drinks will be the usual alcoholic and none alcoholic.  And yes, there will be worms in some of the bottles.


We'll be meeting on the Stamp Discussion Thread, as usual.



Anne in NJ

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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

I have scads of oddball collections, and I made a conscious decision to bring them with me when I moved here. Never regretted it! Of course I have added a few more collections to the mix since then. : )


I am still actively looking to complete my 1 to 100 denomination collection (stamps can be mint or used, from any country). I still lack the 54, 67, 69, 71, 82, 87, 91, 92, 94, 96 and 99 values. I added four stamps to it recently, so they are out there!


In the last 3 months, I have started the following oddball collections, mostly using covers I found in a box sitting idle:


Covers with multiples of the same stamp (and no other stamps). This has become four separate groups from 2 (The Power of Two) to 5 (A Bunch of Fives).


Inward covers to USA from countries A-Z. Greetings to America, by Letter

I have stalled on this as quite a few letters are hard to find covers for. I have been writing the covers up slowly as the alphabet postings progress.


Trying to link up covers going from country to country. This is a series of webpages, but I for the most part have the actual cover (or it is in the house somewhere). I am about to link in Great Britain, and then it will be much more diverse (the New Hebrides, New Caledonia, etc will be on the itinerary then). See the World, from Cover to Cover


USA – the States of the Union. This has become a mainly stamps and postcards display of the 50 states plus Washington DC, . My original aim was to have a cover from each state being sent to the next state to achieve statehood. However I have had to let that idea go, as I have found zero covers so far! E.g., Minnesota to Oregon, then Oregon to Kansas – those two in themselves are difficult!


Looking at a group of Austrian 1922-26 covers, franked with the 1922-24 Symbols of Labor and Industry series. Seeing the effects of hyperinflation. I have Anne to thank for this!

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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

One of my odds is an old group from Lundy Island, started with approvals from Kenmore and Tasco in the 60's and continued

on Ebay when I could get cheap lots.



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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

I have all sorts of odds and ends and am working on lots of different weird areas at any given time.  The weirdest one right now might be US "mixed flour" revenue stamps...

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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014



I did manage to find my cover with the slogan cancel identifying when the smaller sizes were applied.  It was later than I thought - it went into effect July 1, 1959.  ~Too soon old; too late schmart!



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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

Darn, I tried to add a transcription of the slogan but I ran out of editing time.


Here it is:



2 - ¾"  X 4"



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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

Jim, the address on that letter isn't far from where I grew up , maybe 12 blocks. I lived at 33 and Portland BLvd, now Rosa Parks. It!s even closer to the Oregon Stamp Society. So that is a cover of distinction.

Sheryll, you have a much more methodical mind than me. you do numbers and series. With me, it's more like, " ooooh neat! I think I'll collect that too! Pretty, shiny!"

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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

Roger, that's one strange cover. It's amazing that the back stayed intact.
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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

One final post for tonight.


This is an example of a used stereoview postcard.   A lot of stereoviews get mislabeled as postcards, but there are some actual postcards with stereoviews on them. Most of them aren't used, and it's a challenge to find ones that have actually been mailed.  I think I have one other, thst I found by chance.  But I'm looking.




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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

Wonderful stuff posted. I hope to respond to some of the comments but must now officially close the meeting.


Feel free to post more oddball stuff though, as a continuing discussion of odds and sods.


Next meeting will be the weekend July 18-20 and the topic will be, by special request:


Fakes, Forgeries, and Altered Stamps

How to detect them, what to look for, etc.

Regumming, reperfing, how to detect repairs.

Sharing “gotcha” stories about your not so wonderful purchases.


Welcome back to those who have not posted in a while. Please come back for our next meeting, if not sooner!

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eBay Users Stamp Club meeting this weekend June 20-22, 2014

I must admit that the tiny cover isn't mine, but at least it has had an outing!


Anne - "The force to organize is strong with this one." I could possibly blame it on the medication, which gives people a nudge in the direction they are already going.


I hear a mixed lot of 1960s slogan cancels and meters calling to be sorted alphabetically by slogan, by state or by slogan topic...

New collection - a slogan from each state capital! I have Washington DC, Harrisburg, Trenton, Boston, Albany, Salem and Honolulu so far!


You remarked at the April meeting that you liked the Austrian Symbols of Agriculture/Labor and Industry series, so I decided to do something with all these old Austrian covers.


Jimbo - Great cover! What started me off is this 5x2c cover. The accompanying covers use only one 2c stamp each, and the letters inside are routine mother-son correspondence. But now the son wants a guarantor for a loan to buy a house - big stuff which demands a fast response, by airmail.


5x2c Portland to OH.jpg


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