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I think this might be a great place to kinda land and connect with a some friends.






Can you please invite some folks to come and post and bring some snacks?  I think I will just keep 2 screens open and coastal picked the name of this place - "dingy falls" when ya need a little respite, please let me know to "dingy" and I will dingy over!




....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

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Yes, I have no Bananas, only Flamethrowers.......
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@evry1nositswindy wrote:

@policequilts I'm in Ohio and YES, I'm in line for full totality.  Schools are closed, colleges are closed, and everybody is really excited about it.  Now if the clouds will just let us see the whole event...

In totality here as well, east of Dallas. Mostly cloudy tomorrow afternoon with possible storms rolling in.


Let there be rain. I could care less about seeing the eclipse though we do have some glasses if the clouds/storms allow for a visual. My wifey seems mildly interested. Daughter unit cares less than I do.....


Hoping everyone does get what they are expecting.  

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Message 8596 of 8,714
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@buyselljack2016 wrote:

Fading fast with an above average temp in the high 40's expected today. Even higher tomorrow.


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Your hat fell on a pile of snow.  Right ?    LOL

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I had enough white on the ground.


I should have rolled a bigger "white bug man" to last through this impending warm up😁

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Some fading for the season.


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Others just starting to peek out, or ready to burst forth in a celebration of Spring.


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Message 8599 of 8,714
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These were supposed to get moved last year. Perhaps this year.


Doesn't really show it in this photo, but this "once in the open bed" ended up being under the branches of a wayward migrant crab apple tree. Not sure if the limited blooms is location, or just the fact that they have been there for ages.


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Undecided on moving the blocks from the woods to go around a flower bed.


Maybe just use these rocks for a more natural/belong there sort of look. 

Most of these just got moved from just a few feet away where they once were a border at the edge of my yard. Way back when some were even painted white. Doing that got old. Not as old as the rocks, but I did tire of doing it.


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Message 8600 of 8,714
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my beautiful eclipse photos, I almost stared into the eclipse today lol

I am not an eBay employee but I sure feel like one sometimes
eBay Community Mentor Since 8-07-2023
Used to be panda75654
This is my only account. I do not own any other eBay accounts and will not ask for personal information. Stay safe!
Message 8601 of 8,714
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OK, I got eclipsed out in my yard.  Am I now magical?


Now the road is like summertime with car after car after car southbound after traveling northbound earlier in the day.


Not sure if it was total, but with a bit of cloud cover it was very, very dark out. They were claiming totality 12 miles northeast of me, so very well may have been here.


The robins went into their evening serenade.

Message 8602 of 8,714
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@buyselljack2016 wrote:

OK, I got eclipsed out in my yard.  Am I now magical?


No, I think you are just in the dark. 😉 😄




In Wisconsin, it was about 80% eclipsed.  🌚

So that I am not completely in the dark. 🌘


It was in the 60's.

Nice that I laid on the lawn with Milo so that he could get his scratchies.

Milo kept looking at the sun and I had to yell at him not to. 😎

I will say that during the eclipse, the temperature did drop.


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In the dark is a fact.


I had just laddered my way up on the shed roof to pull some plastic back over an area that had become exposed by the recent high winds when the darkest arrived.


Later I watched a playback of a "live feed" 12 miles northeast.


I think there was about 1000 vehicles driven by my house after the event. The "eclipse train" also made a run north and back.  I heard the train on the way up, but oddly the engineer did not "whistle" the crossings. Should be able to hear at least 3. Whistled on the way back.

Message 8604 of 8,714
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Had my eclipse glasses ready and even skipped going to my exercise class but the darn clouds came in and couldn’t see anything. Totality was supposed to be about 95% where I live so should have been a good show. Of course, the sun came out and the clouds disappeared an hour later! Did see the 2017 partial eclipse though.

Message 8605 of 8,714
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We had totality here in Ohio.  We sat on the back deck and there was only one cloud in the sky.  Of course it went right over the sun in the last moments that you could still see the sliver.  It moved just in time!   Photos, videos do not even come close to showing the beauty of it.  It was a silvery color that doesn't come through in the pictures.  Daughter watched it from college.  I challenged her to write haiku poems about it.  I wrote several as well.  I'm going to make a booklet of our poems and this photo.  It was transcendent.  PXL_20240408_191136017.jpg  


evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
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Message 8606 of 8,714
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@evry1nositswindy  photos not matching what the human eye sees is what we experienced last year when the smoke from the wild fires in Canada moved over our area.  I stopped on the way home one day for a photo, but it just wasn't the same. With that smoke haze "glasses" were not needed.


I had no eclipse glasses. I looked up a few times during the eclipse, but the clouds did not allow for experiencing the event much other than the eerie darkness Photo as few moments after the darkest.



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Message 8607 of 8,714
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@evry1nositswindy wrote:




Did you notice a drop in temperature during this time ?


Message 8608 of 8,714
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It made it to the 60's with a slight breeze.

I did get the corner garden raked and burned.

This is the second day I saw a butterfly.


I have a killdeer that I think has a nest in that back corner. It was trying to have me follow him/her in a different direction by playing injured. I thought I go back and get my camera to try to get a video. He/she was traveling too fast with the injury so that I couldn't get the full picture.

Well, maybe tomorrow. I plan on getting on my hands and knees and pull weeds. Get a start before some of these weeds become monsters.


I have now 30 pieces of clothing completely processed and ready to list.


Milo got his scratchies and food.

Message 8609 of 8,714
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@policequilts It got noticeably cooler.  I checked the temperature and it went down 4 degrees but felt colder with the breeze.  We came inside before it went back to 'normal' and we had to turn on lights.  It wasn't pitch black but it was dark.  Before totality, we heard goats, roosters, and dogs.  When it went dark, it was so quiet.  No roosters crowing, no goats bleating, no birds singing, no chipmunks chipping. 

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
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Message 8610 of 8,714
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