11-01-2019 10:12 AM
I ship a lot of heavy glass and china items. As we all know - heavier items are already penalized by eBay as they charge fees on shipping as well as on the item so heavier items just cost more than light one! But now there is a bigger issue. eBay has decided to use Parcel Select as their parcel option for heavier items on the new shipping program. Parcel Select is probably the worst option the Post Office has. Box after box when I compare the shipping prices of large heavy boxes - Parcel Select is usually MORE expensive than Priority for much worse service. If you have a large heavy box you need to use Parcel Ground. It is HALF the price of Parcel Select. Also, my local post office employee told me if Parcel Select is deemed undeliverable - it gets tossed. How is that going to work for your business? It sure doesn't work for mine. So eBay chose Parcel Select - more expensive than Priority for the extra fees??? I see no other reason. Now I have to go to the post office, instead of having the postman pick up with my other Priority packages all because I can't print the label. Why the Post Office itself doesn't offer Parcel online - I will never know, but eBay used to have Parcel Ground and it was fabulous. Parcel Select- USELESS! Think about it eBay. Your sellers need you to be their advocate and this is one way to show you are working for the seller. Buyers don't want the high prices either! I get constant requests for cheapest possible shipping. I suggest other sellers with large or heavy boxes think about ditching Parcel select too.
11-01-2019 10:17 AM
Parcel ground is only available at the retail counter. It can't be purchased online. Parcel select is the EXACT same service as parcel ground, only it's able to be purchased online.
I believe it was in January that USPS changed the dimensional weights for PS/PG? Now PG is less expensive than PS, something like that. I don't use either so someone else can confirm.
And depending on size and destination, Priority is often the same price or a few cents more than the parcel services.
11-01-2019 10:21 AM
I disagree, my last box was to littleton co from IL. Parcel select something like $57.87 Priority $57.30 and Parcel ground $33.00. It was crazy different.
11-01-2019 11:07 AM
@myantiquestore wrote: .... Box after box when I compare the shipping prices of large heavy boxes - Parcel Select is usually MORE expensive than Priority for much worse service. If you have a large heavy box you need to use Parcel Ground. It is HALF the price of Parcel Select. ....
The service that used to be known as Parcel Post is now called Parcel Select Ground when purchased online, and Retail Ground when purchased at the PO. They are basically the same service so don't expect different shipping times or care in handling. USPS doesn't have a service that they call "Parcel Ground."
Last June, USPS started charging a "dimensional weight" for packages over 1 cubic foot (1728 cubic inches) that were shipped via Priority Mail or Parcel Select. Retail Ground was somehow omitted from this policy, so packages over 1 cubic foot will show up as much cheaper if you price Retail Ground postage.
BUT (1) Retail Ground can't be used for shipping to Zones 1 - 4 unless the contents MUST be shipped via ground, such as hazmat or certain live animals; and (2) the new USPS rates that go into effect in January 2020 will have the same "dimensional weight" for Retail Ground as they already have for Priority and Parcel Select Ground.
The price difference between Priority Mail and Parcel Select Ground is very small at current rates -- sometimes as little as 10 cents, but I have not seen any weight/zone comparison for which Parcel Select costs more, so I would be interested in learning more about that. Here's a link to the official USPS rates publication for lookup.
11-01-2019 12:47 PM
One other downside to Parcel Select Ground is that the post office prints the actual $ postage on the label and you end up explaining the concept of "handling charges" to some buyers.
11-01-2019 12:54 PM
my apologies, that should have read RETAIL Ground NOT parcel select.
11-01-2019 12:55 PM
Handling charges are not something I use so that is not a problem for me. Twice the price IS a concern especially when I have to pay 9% more in eBay fees on top of the double shipping price.
11-01-2019 01:03 PM
I do not know how it applies when it states in the USPS book "Zones 1–4 are only for the mailing of hazardous materials, live animals, or other items required to be shipped by ground transportation" but the second section you refer to "2. For parcels that measure in combined length and girth more than 84 inches but not more than 108 inches, and the piece weighs less than 20 pounds, use the 20-pound price (balloon price) based on the applicable zone" does apply to my packages and the post office has no problem accepting them at the cheaper ground price. Quite frankly there is absolutely no reason to use Parcel Select that I can see at all. Might as well use Priority and forget about parcel completely.
11-01-2019 01:03 PM
@myantiquestore A few corrections to your post:
1. eBay is not penalizing heavy packages by charging Fees. eBay is getting the just fees because years ago eBay did NOT charge fees on shipping and guess what? Yep, dishonest SELLERS listed their $ 100 for $1 and $ 99 for shipping thus cheating eBay out of their fee. Additionally, the IRS considers shipping as part of the total on a transaction for Tax reporting purposes so blame them too but NOT eBay.
2. Parcel Select is NOT more expensive then Priority Mail ... let me repeat, it is NOT more expensive then Priority Mail. For items over 1 pound I usually ship Priority mail even though Buyer pick Parcel Select ... why? Because Buyers see the Counter price for Priority Mail and pick Parcel Select almost every single time ... but since I get a discount it costs ME less to ship Priority ... its a win-win ... Buyer gets it quicker and I pay less the the customer by a little bit ...
3. Just use Calculated shipping with whatever shipping choices you want and let the Buyer decide if they want to pay it or not. Shipping costs are high on heavier items but blame the carriers NOT eBay ...
11-01-2019 01:04 PM
@myantiquestore wrote:Handling charges are not something I use so that is not a problem for me. Twice the price IS a concern especially when I have to pay 9% more in eBay fees on top of the double shipping price.
Then as long as you are ok with standing in line at the PO to pay for the label then it's a good thing. For me the extra time and expense getting to the post office during my work hours is an issue, so I charge an additional amount in handling when listing with Retail Ground.
11-01-2019 03:32 PM
11-01-2019 03:50 PM - edited 11-01-2019 03:52 PM
@myantiquestore wrote: ... I just contacted eBay and they did screen shots of the item shipping calculator where parcel select was more ....
Please share one of those with this discussion.
USPS does not have, and AFAIK never has had, a service called "Parcel Ground".