08-02-2023 10:38 AM
As a buyer, I've noticed this happening just recently and wondered what is going on with ebay. Major discrepancies between the estimated delivery at the time of a item and the delivery time referenced by ebay in the final feedback prompts. I make a purchase based on the estimated delivery time; purchase confirmation email comes with the same delivery time; item delivers many days later than the estimate; and then in the process of leaving feedback on the purchase, ebay prompts if the item delivered by August XX - a date even later than the delayed delivery date. Just curious if any one knows why or how ebay creates this new date that is later than the delivery estimate from purchase? Thanks.
08-02-2023 10:52 AM
08-02-2023 10:56 AM
Hmmm, perhaps since neither eBay nor the seller are the actual delivery party, they depend on what the delivery carrier does once it updates its tracking. You are dealing with 3 parties.
Sometimes I feel that eBay tends to be a bit optimistic on its expected delivery dates, after all, the seller has to packaged, post and drop item to the carrier of choice, from then carrier needs to log it in its tracking system and proceed with delivery.
Making purchases based on how quickly the delivery is done is not a smart move on eBay, since they do not control the delivery. Perhaps is best to puchase locally where you get product instantly or use other selling platform that has its own warehouse, planes and delivery trucks.