03-16-2025 12:02 PM
I sold a book for less than my asking price and the listing doens't say it was from an offer. I called CS which showed me I have "automatic" offer on 176 listings and tough luck, I have to manually change all of them. I have gone through a bunch and the auto offer is pretty much OK but she said it's market-based so who knows what they will sell for. Also, how this did happen? I don't understand how to prevent this in the future.
03-17-2025 04:15 AM
I don't know how to do a screen shot but yes, it's right there on the SYI form.
Maybe I carelessly filled that in thinking I was filling in another field. Then it "stuck" on what I listed after.
03-17-2025 05:47 AM
I highly recommend ever seller elect View listing after it is submitted. It's right in your face with a few other options and only takes a few seconds to see the presentation page.
03-17-2025 05:53 AM
03-17-2025 10:21 AM
I'm fallible and often distracted when listing so I am prepared to suppose I stumbled into putting a price in the field for auto offer, which "stuck" on other listings the same day or more. IN a way this is more comforting than Ebay is randomly playing around with me.
Today I was able to send orders to two books that were on this list of 175 so I suppose the auto offer was either too high to do the job of sealing the deal, or it was just another seller keeping an eye on them to see if they sell. I get a lot of "eligible for offers" for books I just listed and I expect everyone else does, too.
03-17-2025 04:02 PM
@simply-the-best-for-you wrote:
@keziak wrote:Sorry, no, I never sent an offer, but somehow the auto feature got turned on when I listed. The list of 150ish has a lot of books I just listed. I don't recall even noticing it was an option on the SYI to begin with.
I don't even think it IS an option on the SYI. But, I do not list through eBay so I'll let someone else speak to that @wastingtime101 do you know? I think it's only activated via SIO's. That's the only place I've ever seen it.
On the business listing tool it is not possible to set up automated seller initiated offers.
On the simplified listing tool - if that option exists, it's news to me.
I'm wondering if keziak may be confusing auto-accept thresholds on buyer-initiated best offers on the listing form.
@keziak Please look up how to take a screenshot on your preferred search engine for your operating system. If you don't want to do that, please take a picture of the listing form with your camera and upload that pic.
03-17-2025 04:19 PM
@wastingtime101 @keziak I just checked the SYI form via an Edit & I do NOT see ANY options for SIO's AT ALL. Which is exactly what I expected. Even if I turn on the Offers Slider Bar, those options are only for offers that buyers can send you. I even turned on the Pricing Options Slider Bar & there isn't anything there either. So Keziak I have no idea what you are looking at when you say 'it's right there on the SYI form'. I have never known this to be on the SYI form & I don't see it there now.
Wasting has a good idea, just take a pic with your phone & post that here. That's the easier way of doing a screen shot.
03-17-2025 04:59 PM
I'm wondering if keziak may be confusing auto-accept thresholds on buyer-initiated best offers on the listing form."
That sounds right I guess. Apples and oranges?
I have been trying to figure out how all those listings now have offers being sent automatically. I don't want this to keep happening without my constantly monitoring my Active listings. If not for the option on the SYI form, how does "offers sending automatically" happen to a listing? As I mentioned above, it's not happening just on listings I already sent offers for.
03-17-2025 05:00 PM
eBay is a bit too automatic.
03-18-2025 06:39 AM
This has recently happened to me as well, not sure if it will make you feel any better. I've been selling a long time, using buy it now/best offer, eBay has NEVER just randomly sent an offer to a buyer, now something has changed, it automatically sends offers. Upon review of my listings there is a box that can be checked for automatically send offers, I did not set this up and it must be on by default.