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"from" name changed on PP shipping label???

I just got a notification of payment received, so I went to PP to print the shipping label and the "From" name has changed from my name to "Modest Clothes Minded". I don't even sell clothes, I did not change this. I am very concerned. Should I change my Paypal or eBay passwords? It freaked me out a little bit. 

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"from" name changed on PP shipping label???

I did change my PP password. Nothing else looks out of sorts, no accounts added to transfer funds to, no funds transfers requested, etc... It's just very odd since I have NOTHING to do with this name, have never even heard it. 

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"from" name changed on PP shipping label???

Sorry to keep replying to myself but I am wondering if this was somehow some kind of glitch? After I changed my password and logged back in with the new one, went to print the label and it was back to my name, even though I did not change it before changing my password. Very odd, but like I said, no other alarm bells ringing here, so... ???

Message 3 of 8
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"from" name changed on PP shipping label???

[we cross posted - it appears it reverted by itslef, but you still might want to look around as I suggest]


Did you poke around in your PayPal settings and look at your addresses?

Maybe a glitch (stray neutrino flipped a bit and another PayPal user's name got attached to one of your PayPal addresses in the database.)

However, I don't think the default PayPal ship from address is one of the ones that shows on the account profile (those are all "buyer" addresses I believe)

You might have to go to PayPal shipping to check and/or correct that one:
Just click through the blank "Ship To Address" popup and check the "ship from" address on the form.

Message 4 of 8
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"from" name changed on PP shipping label???

I don't know if this is related, but sometimes my Recently Viewed shows items that I was definitely not looking at. I have no idea how it happens but I think our accounts can somehow link to someone else's behind the scenes. It's scary to think about if your name is being changed to someone else's!


I used to think it was from calling CS and info transferred because they didn't fully exit your account before helping someone else, but I've seen it happen when no calls to CS took place so I'm stumped.

Message 5 of 8
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"from" name changed on PP shipping label???

Clicking through that link now also has my name on there. I just use my personal name, not a business name or my eBay ID for the sent packages, so I Don't know what happened. It said that Modest Clothes Minded with my address and my cell phone number as the "from" address. Very strange. I'm just glad it went back to normal and nothing else seems strange. 

Message 6 of 8
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"from" name changed on PP shipping label???

First of all, does anyone else use your machine? Some perfunctory poking around on Google shows that "Modest Clothes Minded" seems to be a brand name of some sort (anyone who's into clothing can do a much better job of answering that than I can), and what I'm thinking is that the name of that form field in PayPal may match that of a form in another website that someone's visited, in which the value "Modest Clothes Minded" was displayed.


Your browser stored that value at that time, matching the text of "Modest Clothes Minded" to the form field named, I don't know, "FormField1" or some vague label like that, and when the PayPal form came up later on, with a field of the same name, your browser tried to be helpful and pre-filled it with "Modest Clothes Minded" again.

Message 7 of 8
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"from" name changed on PP shipping label???

Yes, very strange.

The was a similar issue last with eBay putting seller's real names on packing slips and eBay labels instead of their desired Business Names and addresses.

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