11-01-2021 02:17 PM
Hello friends! Please tell me where the "Publish" button is located. Having no luck keeping changes I want to make. Selling for about 20 years on eBay, but it keeps getting tougher all the time on us "old timers"!
11-01-2021 03:45 PM
Do you mean the "Update listing" button?
11-01-2021 03:53 PM
Having no luck keeping changes I want to make.
When I go to revise a listing, the button at the bottom says "Update Listing". Could that be what you need?
11-01-2021 04:18 PM
Hello again, I am not referring to an individual ad. I want my store to show "ending soonest" ads first, not all jumbled up. I do not want "best match" which continues to come up when I enter my store. I want my customers to see what is ending soonest. Also, I want my items to be in a "list", not in "blocks". Earlier when I was trying to get it situated correctly and note came up about hitting a "publish" button. Thanks for any help; I appreciate it.
11-01-2021 04:23 PM
The type of Search is not set by the Seller but by the Buyer.
Personally, I prefer to Search by Highest Price plus Shipping, since it puts all the garbage listings at the back of the queue.
The type of Search is on the dropdown menu at the top right corner of whatever list you are looking at., your own or the listings that meet your keywords.
But your buyer will put them in the order she prefers. If that is Best Match, that's what she sees. If it is Ending Soonest, her choice will put it in that order.
11-01-2021 04:24 PM
Perhaps I'm missing it but I don't see that option now but I do remember doing it in the past. I do notice though that buyers now have the choice of sorting the items the way that they want to sort them. I don't remember that being an option in a store before...just when viewing listings outside of a store.
11-01-2021 04:38 PM
@femmefan1946 is right about the sort - that's now determined by the buyer and how they want to see it.
The new store format is gallery style rather than list style - that changed some years ago with the new format. Although some people continued to use the old list format I think that finally went away as part of making it compatible for mobile.
The "publish" button is way at the bottom on the very right-hand side of your store edit view.
11-01-2021 04:48 PM
@chapeau-noir You're right the default is Gallery, but I'm an outlier because I prefer the list format which gives more information.
But I work on a desktop.
11-01-2021 04:55 PM
I work on a desktop, too, but as soon as the new store format came out several years back I tried it and liked it better than the list format - I switched back a couple of times so I could see the list format and answer some questions, but then the capability to do that disappeared so I haven't seen it since. The active listings list format in seller hub works fine for me to see information I need. I like the gallery format for the store view since that's what people are used to looking at on other sites. They both work, though.
11-01-2021 05:14 PM
Thanks to all who replied. I appreciate each one of you. Guess when one is in Rome, do as the Romans do. I always liked the longest running items to show first, so hopefully they would sell and I wouldn't have to spend time relisting them and giving them a new "start" date.
11-01-2021 05:26 PM
@carlharrison43 You could always select some of the longest running items as 'features' at the top - cycle through them maybe four every other day - that will give them top feature billing and something new (yet old) every day. I do that sometimes.
When we had Omniture I was able to track how often people came to my store, and I was shocked to find that almost 50% of them were repeat browsers who visited every 1-3 days! Another chunk visited every week or two. The rest were new or one time visitors. Man, did that open my eyes! I'm mostly out of inventory now but I was trying to list daily.
You can also take some of the older listings, do a sell similar and sprinkle them in.