I have a listing that i put up for 30 days. it ended with no sale yesterday morning.
i just got an offer for a promotion yesterday--which i accepted/activated late last night.
among the exclusions listed is this one:
"The Promotion excludes listings created prior to activating the offer and listings with a start date prior to, or after the Promotion Period."
i had previously created that listing...but it had already ended. if i were to put it up again now, does ebay consider it 'created prior' because it ran once, or are only active listings considered having been 'created prior'?
If i were to use the re-list, i am thinking that would prob make it a 'created previously'?
i'm assuming i could add something to the listing so it would contain a different product mix and it would be a new listing?
if anyone knows if i can list without changes and still qualify, plmk.