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is ebay posting fake watchers

there is something odd going on......i post an item 4 sale......after a few days of nothing all of a sudden i have multiple watchers......weeks go by.....the number of watchers doesnt change and the item has not sold.....while the item is still active i go and and completely revise the first item to something TOTALLY different.....the number of watchers doesnt change.......finally the item ends without selling and i leave it in my not sold page.....weeks go by......the number of watchers doesnt change.......IS EBAY POSTING FAKE WATCHER NUMBERS to make it look like they have more customers than they really do?  as nothing else makes any sense

Message 1 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

I wouldn't be surprised..this is a terrible company that is only interested in collecting fees. They have no interest in truth or fairness.

worst customer service I have ever encountered.


Message 16 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

Who knows ? I usually only list ' Buy it now or best offer 30 days  sales . There's been many times I thought something was going to sell pretty quickly  because there was so many watchers . Then the 30 days run out and no sale. When I relist the same item , no watchers at all . So I kind of agree with the other poster who said those watchers might be other sellers just curious to see if your item sells and for how much .Once they see your item did not sell in the 30 days,, they stop watching . To tell the truth it seems the most sincere buyers are the people who just buy it instantly . I seem to sell just as much on things with no watchers at all. Right now I've been getting a tremendous amount of low ball offers ,, very low . I just assume these are other merchants looking for a great bargain for  resale  for their Christmas inventory .  I'm not overly concerned about the watchers any longer ,, since its been proven to me  their  not all that revelant .

Message 17 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

My theory is the watchers come from Aggregator Websites. 

Prov 20:14 It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth.
Message 18 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

is ebay posting fake watchers    ????

What does it even matter?  I've sold here for many years.  Many years!  Long ago I came to realize that the number of *watchers* doesn't mean a darned thing!  And whether you have any watchers at all doesn't mean a darned thing either.


A buyer may or may not watch beforehand.  I'd say the vast majority of my sales forever have just happened... BAM!  No watchers.  SOLD!



Message 19 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

If they were posting fake watchers or they were aggregator sites then wouldn't every listing have watchers? I know they don't all have watchers.


Message 20 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

I agree, other sellers are watching to compare pricing

Message 21 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers


Message 22 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

Message 23 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

Fake watchers...... not sure but I would focus on why your item won't sell. The best attitude to have is that everything sells at some point. I cant see why ebay would spend time and money, then have to keep it quiet that they use fake watchers. Concentrate on the listing photos and text, change it or even take it down for a few weeks and relist.  Good Luck.

Message 24 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

OOPs accidentally hit Post.


@sodelight wrote:

 Well, if they were legit Buyers the item would have sold!! 

Your right, there are alot like you, they simply fill up their watch lists with apparently no intention of buying. Until then they're simply window shoppers.  Saying you have 300 items on your watch list pretty much proves my point, as you haven't bought them.  So does the fact that you state you'd be buying for your store, sounds like a seller (competitor) to me!

I'm done.

I am a legit buyer and use my watch list prolifically. It helps me in my buying, selling and research. It is a tool and in no way is an affront to the seller whose item i've placed on it. And window shopping is as good a reason as any other, there's nothing wrong with it. Why are you so annoyed? Because something hasn't sold but had many watches and views? At least you know your item is being seen. 

Message 25 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

I have absolutely oodles of things on my Watch Lists...

Stuff I might purchase...

Stuff I've already bought & might want to buy again...

Stuff similar to what I make, to help gauge how prices are running...

Inspiration ideas for things I might make someday (no, I do not copy the item; just like looking for new stylistic &/or new technique ideas to update my own designs ~I build furniture & create high-end Artisan Jewelry)...

And, lots of random thought items...

These are not put onto my Lists to annoy anyone...

And, as I'm not Selling on eBay anymore, many things I might have otherwise purchased just linger on the Lists.

Message 26 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

The view, and watch numbers are fake, or bot numbers, and are meaningless. Right now we're tearing it up on Amazon, and other websites, but our sales on eBay are dead. We have 100% feedback, power seller/ top rated seller ratings, free same day shipping, and free returns. The summer and Christmas is our busy season. Yet for the first time in ten years our eBay sales are dead even though we get over 300 views on an item. So the view, and watcher numbers are meaningless. 


eBay is becoming a waste of time for us. It's no wonder many good sellers on eBay are moving to Amazon.

Message 27 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

LOL really? As a buyer, and I have seen others say the same thing, the number of watchers will let me know if I need to act quickly and buy or not.  Common sense to me. The more watchers, the better.  I don't appreciate eBay hiding my watcher count. My sales have slowed down since. 

Message 28 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

Good idea. eBay is turning into garbage. To Amazon I go.

Message 29 of 35
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is ebay posting fake watchers

all of a sudden i have multiple watchers

Your item floated to the top of Search

number of watchers doesnt change and the item has not sold.

Watchers don't buy. They watch. Some are other sellers. Some are dreaming in technicolor.

while the item is still active i go and and completely revise the first item to something TOTALLY different

Why would you do that?

If someone had saved it to her Watch List until she could afford it, you just lost that sale.

Anyway the watcher probably has not looked at her Watch List for a while.

i leave it in my not sold page.....weeks go by......the number of watchers doesnt change..

Well, of course not. No one new can see it.

Message 30 of 35
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