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eBay new policy screwing sellers

I have a 100% positive feedback, and 100% shipping on time, I’m a top rated seller.


But today I get this eBay email threat:

Name, You have higher “item not as described” return requests compared to your peers in one or more categories.

Take action now to avoid an additional 4% in final value fees, starting October 1. Sellers with “Very high” rates will be subject to the additional fee.


But out of those 11 returns only 1 item didn’t work, the rest was nothing wrong with them, and resold without a return and got positive feedback. The buyer just used the “not as described or not working” to get free return shipping,

so the seller is being punish twice now, first has to pay the return shipping because the buyer abuses the system, and then eBay ads an extra 4% to the final value fees.

All my items have their OWN PICTURES and are described in detail, including part numbers, I sell use Vehicle parts, so I get that sometimes the part won’t work, but I do my best to make sure they work.


Not as described or not working is in the same defect category in eBay’s system.


When will eBay stop screwing sellers? I though we would start get more protection?


Anyone else dealing with this?

Message 1 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

Yep, a lot of us are dealing with this.  I posted in a different thread screenshots of today's "surprise" (the message from eBay like yours) and what our Seller Reports say.  The two do not match.  Not only is the math wrong, the NAD returns we are/will be penalized for are obviously false - the buyers' comments when they opened the claim (on the claim itself) prove that the return is not actually "not as described".  One commented they'd ordered the wrong voltage (we won that case, it was in Feb before March's update that nixed common sense in eBay altogether).  One was a simple mistake by a buyer of clicking the wrong item to return (a servo amplifier module is -not- a jacket to be worn as the buyer said didn't fit in the NAD).


Track your own numbers because eBay cannot, apparently.


If you are providing a good product for reasonable prices and solid customer service, don't worry so much about these "helpful" messages eBay sends. 



Message 2 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

so the seller is being punish twice now, first has to pay the return shipping because the buyer abuses the system, and then eBay ads an extra 4% to the final value fees.



I would look at it as being punnished on a continuing basis.  If your return metric (phony snads are included) put you in final value fee jail, your 40% increase in fees is likely to last longer than one sale.  

Message 3 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

@terrycanarsky wrote:

Yep, a lot of us are dealing with this.  I posted in a different thread screenshots of today's "surprise" (the message from eBay like yours) and what our Seller Reports say.  The two do not match.  Not only is the math wrong, the NAD returns we are/will be penalized for are obviously false - the buyers' comments when they opened the claim (on the claim itself) prove that the return is not actually "not as described".  One commented they'd ordered the wrong voltage (we won that case, it was in Feb before March's update that nixed common sense in eBay altogether).  One was a simple mistake by a buyer of clicking the wrong item to return (a servo amplifier module is -not- a jacket to be worn as the buyer said didn't fit in the NAD).


Track your own numbers because eBay cannot, apparently.


If you are providing a good product for reasonable prices and solid customer service, don't worry so much about these "helpful" messages eBay sends. 



This issue was discussed heatedly in the Summer Sellers Update discussion boards if you were able to find them.  Ebay is no longer allowing sellers to dispute any SNADs  so those are now automatically counted and even if you resolve the problem so there is no return and the buyer says I was wrong, Ebay counts that as a SNAD because now it is an after sale  contact by the buyer so Sellers are now being punished for that as Ebay considers that a less than positive experience fo the buyer.


Ebay has not been able to show anything other than 3-5% quarterly growth while all the other sites are showing double digit growth and the CEO and BOD are on the hot seat to produce.  Evidently the 2nd Quarter numbers are going to be even worse since Ebay has been pushing all these site wide sales at quarter end to try and boost their revenue.  Ebay also just had another round of layoffs which they won't even confirm how many were let go and even their own employees described the information that was released to the employees below:


It was a massive blow that impacted a ton of teams and yet, the internal communication was loaded with jargon and opaque


Ebay is a publicly traded company and does have a duty to maximize their profits for the shareholders, but when the platform they provide has a new glitch a day they cannot justify increasing the FVF or any other fees at this point.  If you do not own a store they did increase the listing fees by 16.67% which is really a hefty fee considering Ebay does not even promise that your listing will ever be seen by anybody or see the light of day.


But by doing things this way Ebay can get a 40% increase in fees and blame it all on the sellers as they just have to many SNAD's and they are the reason Ebay is not growing as fast as it should.  It is called desperation and the increase will also kick in at the busiest time of the year for most sellers, the 4th Quarter.  So they are going to compare your SNADs against those of your "peers" whose information you are not allowed to see nor really know that it is correct, but your FVF is going to be based on this information.  


As glitchy as this system has been and as poor as the information that we have been getting from Ebay how are we supposed to trust that this data is actually correct? Also to pad the numbers with things that were not even a real SNAD in the first place and not give the Sellers any chance to dispute it, shows this for what it really is, another DESPERATE Money Grab on Ebays part to try and show growth.  Ebay also encourages you to offer free returns to help lower your SNAD rate,, but as soon as you withhold any part of that refund back to the buyer for damaged goods or not being returned in the same condition, they are going to file a complaint with Ebay.  If Ebay actually backs the sellers like they say they will, the buyers will just go to Paypal and get the rest of the money back that way and Ebay can say we had your backs, but you still lose on the deal.  In addition that buyer will never use the free return again, they will always use SNAD so the seller cannot withhold anything and Ebay gets exactly what they wanted, increase revenues.


I wonder if they have figured out how many sellers are starting to sell on other sites also in preparation for this issue?  I think Ebay might be surprised at how many sellers will no longer sell in the categories that Ebay plans on punishing them for on this platform and Ebay might even find a negative growth quarter when 4th quarter 2017 vs 4th Quarter 2018 results are finally announced.  Every one of their revenue increasing plans have flopped recently as sellers are just plain tired of paying more and still getting the same glitchy, hidden listings results.


All Ebay needs to do if they want to increase revenue is spend the money they should have on the equipment they need to show all listings 24/7/365.   Instead they hide them and now are using their Product Catalog where they show the buyer 4 selections and everything else is hidden unless the buyer manages to find the button to see the other listings.  In the meantime they are seeing Ebay recommends these 4 listings based on some algorithm that was written to maximize Ebays profits, not even to really show the buyer what it is they really wanted in the first place.

Message 4 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

Thanks for the detailed info it makes so much sense, I'm looking for an alternative in case this doesn't change 

Message 5 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

I have 22 returns out of 7778 sales. Some were caused by the buyer admitting they were returning the items because they bought the wrong ones. I shipped what the buyer purchased. I got a notice today that my TRS was in jeopardy due to a high return rate. 

I have to ship what the buyer purchases. Are sellers to be penalized for a return like that? 

Message 6 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

The new rules are not thought out, period,  asked them all kinds of techinical questions without getting a straight answer,  first off we sell a fair amount of volume, we are overall unique on what we sell compared to our so called "peers",  I guarantee they are using a basic cookie cutter program for all without putting much effort in to checking out the differences between what we offer versus the the others(of course we are high now) thanks to over half items returned to save the buyer the expense of paying the shipping cost back,   I also get the reasons for the new July 1, 18  free returns program  also on our dime for getting it back, is to see how many buyers actually screwed us prior for wrong reasons for returns us by Oct1 and what our future score with our so called  peers will be then.  If we could only see who our "peers are" we could step in and point out the differences,  but you can bet  ebay won't devulge that info for us to see or compare,  who dreams up this stuff, my god,  4% percent, really?  other than profit again for ebay,  remember when ebay top rated sellers got a 20% rebate/then 10% now/take and extra 4% maybe/6% new rate,  lordy,  ebay... there is 6% percent time for a money grab on the balance,  go for it

Message 7 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

How can we bring this concern to eBay?

I called them and wanted them to explain why they think this is a good idea! After a lot of questions, all I was told that the agents have no control over it, and they will pass the concern on to the right party. I doubt they will.... 



Message 8 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

@cmlautoparts wrote:

How can we bring this concern to eBay?

I called them and wanted them to explain why they think this is a good idea! After a lot of questions, all I was told that the agents have no control over it, and they will pass the concern on to the right party. I doubt they will.... 



When the questions were asked all anybody kept getting as an answer was any issues that caused after sale contact from the buyer were causing the overall buyers experience to not be as good as it should be.  Everything kept coming back to the buyers experience not being perfect, but I notice that Ebay does not offer the same type of service to their customers, the sellers !!!


This is a rigged con game where Ebay thinks they will come out the only winner, but they just completely forget that most of the Sellers online know a lot more about selling in each of our niches than Ebay knows about their own business.  This huge increase they are already counting on will probably wind up a lot less than they have projected in the 10Q reports and might wind up as big of a flop as the promoted listings was. 


Many sellers will just not sell in the categories that would cost them that extra 4% and will move that merchandise to Ebays competitors.  Once again Ebay will help drive the revenues that could have been theirs, to their competitors and will wonder why their sales never seem to grow.

Message 9 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

Returns are part of retail life, yet ebay uses them as punishment. Obviously they are crazy like a fox and must have to have that 4 percent for survival. 

Message 10 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

Yep, and this is part of the way they are forcing sellers to go with "free returns", so buyers won't have to lie about 'not as described' to get their coveted free return.



Message 11 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

Uh Huh, ebay is a lost cause for sure. My item count has gone from 600 to a hundred or a little over. I get emails all the time to "increase my item count count", but it is a frivolous idea that makes ebay money - not me.

There is simple NO EXPOSURE on this freaking site. Terrible way to treat someone that you are charging for exposure. it's all over the internet, auctionbytes is full of stories, these boards are full of sellers 30%, 40%, 50% and even 80% lower than 2 years ago.

I truly do not see how ebay expects to sustain their earnings or their investors at this rate. I am not sure how far it has to go before someone at ebay takes the reins and stops the stupidity.

Their idea of a product base catalog only works for new china junk, and buyers can get that at walmart, target, best buy, amazon, etc. It simply is not working. I know ebay can not stand the thought of how much money amazon makes, but if the ebay sellers and ebay buyers wanted a platform like amazon WE WOULD BE THERE NOT HERE!

I had an interesting email from a new user on my company website. They sent me an email all excited because they couldn't find the parts they needed for a Vintage mini bike on ebay but found them on my website. I have the very same (in fact exact same) items on my site and on ebay. They said none showed up in search on ebay. Not even my competitors listings. They said just the big new parts sellers were visible. Not much help on a Vintage bike.

NO ONE cares about the stupid product identifiers EXCEPT ebay and google. There are NO GSN, ISN, NO upc's, NO brands, NO part numbers available for parts that are 45 to 100 years old. And that is what has ALWAYS sold the best, Buyers are trying to recapture their youth, and they want their kids to enjoy the things they did when they were young. Today's mini bikes do not have lights, or suspensions, or class. they are mass produced chunks of chinese metal that break in a few weeks.

And more importantly if there are new parts that cross over into the Vintage market the sellers DO NOT want to reveal the info. After all if they know where to get it they no longer buy from us. First rule of business is NEVER reveal a source!

That is why I cancelled my amazon store years ago. I had something selling like crazy and amazon couldn't stand it, they tried everything to get the source because THEY wanted to compete with me. I was bringing a snowcat style tracked RC toy in from Taiwan and I was the only importer. It was a nice RC, not junky, metal drive parts and strong rubber tracks. Had the market cornered, made a ton of money on a container full over a period of 2 years and then quit. If I had caved on the source they would have bought 100 containers full and then sold them for way less. Dollar General picked them up after I quit. I never did see one on amazon.

This place is appalling. Fees, fees, fees and more stupid rules than a state prison. Kinda Ironic eh?

Message 12 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

I agree that this new way of dealing with SNADS is terrible. People do lie and hit the not as described if they want free return shipping at times and there is NO WAY really to dispute these when they happen sometimes and most just go along with the request and refund. I personally dislike this policy to the max.

Message 13 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

 must have to have that 4 percent for survival. 



Keep in mind that extra 4 percent is actually a 40% increase in fees for the seller that typically pays 10%.  Don't know if eBay NEEDS the money, but they sure want it.  They encourage returns so they will be able to get it.  


Typpically, ebay sellers have behaved in the past like lemmings over the cliff.  When the last ones go over, ebay better have some of their own product to sell. 



Message 14 of 42
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eBay new policy screwing sellers

Jonathan, for us that seemed like the best move to make the listings free returns to avoid these problems. We reasoned that we would get fewer of these false SNADS for free ship back. 

Message 15 of 42
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