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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Ran some promotions and ads for the holiday. Not a single sale. Got the right items and everything is priced below everyone else. Here's the kicker. I'm killing it on Facebook marketplace. My asking prices are higher and I'm seeing less fraud. Also paying less in fees. I know Facebook has a bigger user count than eBay but you would think eBay being more established would mean something? Is eBay dying? Starting to think I should just put all my listings on Facebook marketplace since it is free to list, no store fees, and lower selling fees. 

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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Market Place and Craig List came to a halt with Biden's recession. Di great two years ago.

Message 31 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Seems that way to me too. I have a much tougher time selling things than I used to, and I've been with them since the beginning. Either they've made it more difficult to sell items, or---they are truely headed in a very bad direction, and it's just a matter of time before they close shop.

Message 32 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Seems that way to me too. I have a much tougher time selling things than I used to, and I've been with them since the beginning. Either they've made it more difficult to sell items, or---they are truly headed in a very bad direction, and it's just a matter of time before they close shop.

LOL.  Anyone know economics here?  I'm having a decent year, even in Brandon's Recession and his Proxy War.  Hope everyone stocked up in inventory for Q1 and Q2 of 2023.  Good Luck to all.

Message 33 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

I'm slowly closing down.  Still listing some new stuff but not really hoping for much.  Sale prices and volume are both down.   eBay themselves says I'm down over 30% from 30 days ago, and 30 days ago was pretty rotten for October.   One item sold last week.  One.   Sales should be climbing this close to Christmas, not dropping.   International sales have gone away completely.  A decade ago I sent stuff all over the world.  Not any more.  I blocked Germany, but that was just busy work since nothing sells to Europe anymore  anyway.  Next year my sales will be going to other auctions.  Not here.  No point. 

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
Message 34 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Facebook Marketplace is great until some algorithm deems something is fraudulent about your account and freezes your funds and your ability to sell anything.  Then you realize it's literally impossible to reach anyone at Meta to get help or even an explanation.  Happened to me personally three times in about 4 months and forums are rife with countless others it's happened to.  It caused me way more aggravation than it was worth.  I'll take the dependable slow nickel over the sketchy quick dime any day.  

Message 35 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

How does facebook marketplace freeze your funds when its a cash deal ?

Message 36 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

@lawnmowerpartsstore2 wrote:

How does facebook marketplace freeze your funds when its a cash deal ?

They don't if it's a cash sale, but if you offer shipping you pretty well have to set up FB payments.  And then they can get you.   If you only take cash you only do local sales ... which doesn't work if you're in a lower population area or have items to sell whose audience is in another state.  

She who dies with the most toys still dies; when's the estate sale?
Message 37 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

my sales are dead also 


Message 38 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Same here. It has been this way for months. When I do sell, it's more frequently than ever before shipped to an unpronounceable Asian-sounding buyer name in a port city - Portland Or, New Castle DE.  So who's buying on Ebay these days?

Message 39 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Ebay is being killed by Facebook Market Place, thrift stores, it’s bias pro sellers in case of  dispute & majority of sellers are middle lower class ignorant & greedy folks asking outrageous price on stuffs they picked up free from street side. Ebay is just being supported by small sellers selling Chinese imports at price LOWER than Amazon. The high asking prices on Ebay on used household stuffs do encourage more buy from Goldwill & Salvation Army. One can see many people at thrift stores point their iphone at item & google for online asking price on Ebay as reference. Another demise on Ebay is the PayPal partnership. Few years back, i got cheated by  fake sellers on Facebook Marketplace using Paypal account. Paypal had the ball to ask me to absorb half the loss while they hold paying seller 30days after sale. I contacted BBB & got that revolve, since then i cancelled Paypal account. Ask yourself, who would buy from Ebay in the future? Customers on e-commerce are mainly younger generation who check price online before buying. For new products, there’s Amazon, Walmart & now TEMU, used household stuff, there’s FB for every town as well as online.

Message 40 of 41
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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

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