10-31-2018 03:33 PM
I was selling a couple of things a week now nothing for 2 weeks! sure is slow, not many offers either, sure wish I could make a couple of good sales to pay my fee's and paypal loan payment, sure would be nice.
10-31-2018 05:32 PM
You are not alone. I started a similar thread last week and there are so many sellers experiencing low or zero sales.
We have few days of no sales, offers, feedbacks as if our store is closed. It has been slow and very low volume for some time. Otherwise, we only get such low offers and it makes no sense to accept them since we will lose money.
Even offers are next to nothing.
Hope new month brings better sales for all of us. Good luck to you and all of us. Cheers.
10-31-2018 05:59 PM
I know, I got an offer for 10 dollars for a 75 dollar item, as if I'm desparate and want to give my things away. I would rather just let my account go in arrears. The only thing I can figure is eBay just does not need the money it used to make from small sellers like us.
10-31-2018 06:52 PM
There has to be a reason why you are selling less items. I used to look around and do searches for items similar to my popular items when they slowed down. Now i don't wait and search more often. I even use some saved searches with dollar ranges, etc to see new listings. I still have some days where nothing sells. Even over the past 90 days I may go 2-3 days with no sales, but they have been about the strongest 3 months I have had in many years. I am not trying to rub it in, but I see a lot of posts about people complaining about sales. You really need to look around and find new items, new strategies, update listings, etc to build business.
I am often annoyed by changes ebay makes. I have always had good descriptions and listed condition, product details, etc. Then when they made it mandatory I got mad because I hated the time it would take to update my listings to use their item details since they didn't port my details like manufacturer name or part number over to their fields. My sales suffered. Then I gave in. I also studied how to do best in the 'best match' sort I despise as I use lowest price to highest when searching for items. I may not buy the cheapest, but I want to see the range and what is different. To improve my ranking, I got better at loading my tracking on time, getting my packages out on time (still just 75% on time) and making my handling 1 day. When I buy on ebay I don't care how fast it comes within reason and I don't think my buyers did either, but ebay will penalize you for long handling times, etc. I made other changes also. These changes should make a difference. Update your titles. Maybe add words related to how the rocks/minerals/precious stones you sell can be used such as custom jewelry, costume jewelry, etc. Maybe try a markdown sale. Even just 5%. If you have watchers, that may trigger ebay to send them emails noting the lowered prices.
I also began using Promoted (sponsored) listings. It have raised my sales 50%. That's about $1200 per month at a cost of about $60. That's 5% but because its raising sales, monthly store fees are already paid and therefore my overall fee percentage goes down, meaning my profit per item is not dropping.
Good luck. I may even buy something from you. I like the Jade. I'm trying to inspire my daughter to use her art talent to try new things and build her own business. This might be a good thing for her to try.
10-31-2018 07:04 PM
eBay is not cutting you off ... I can see your items fine.
Have you considered that your sales drop might be because your items are priced significantly higher than other sellers? I don't know anything about rocks, but the first rock I looked at from your collection (Jade Slab) had lots of sellers with lower prices ...
11-04-2018 06:22 PM
12-01-2018 06:42 PM
You're saying that people should look at your listing that is priced higher, and make you an offer, when they can just buy something with a click that is already cheaper. Don't get me wrong.... the only time I am the cheapest is when there is only one other seller, and they are way high on the price. But you can't be way higher than everyone else and expect people to take the time to make you an offer on a simple commodity item.
12-03-2018 03:17 PM
12-03-2018 03:24 PM
@richards*rock*collection wrote:
no one has any thing that I sell, or most of the things that I sell, exactly like my item, most are unique. There is no rock slab exactly the same. Try to find another coin bank such as the one I offer, you can't so to me it is priceless, to me I.m selling it cheap because it is very rare and there are none like it for sale, that is what I mean. Same with most my other items.
While it may be priceless to you, unfortunately a similar buyer has not come along willing to buy it at that price. Rare does not necessarily mean wanted.
12-03-2018 03:33 PM - edited 12-03-2018 03:35 PM
I have taken to using a measuring tape to most of my items as I'm taking pictures so that the viewers get a really good idea of actual size. Holding the rock in your hand is not a bad idea but your hands could be small, they could be huge, however with measuring tape an inch is an inch and thus leaves no doubt.
And I can't tell you whether it helps but I can tell you I use every one of those 12 "free" picture slots.
12-03-2018 07:49 PM
12-03-2018 07:52 PM
12-03-2018 08:07 PM
@richards*rock*collection wrote:
so I will keep raising the price of that item, thanks, I just did.
Good luck with that. Hope it works out for you.
12-03-2018 08:27 PM
While I didn't see one just like yours, there are a few A.N. Brooks banks listed.
12-03-2018 08:38 PM
@richards*rock*collection wrote:
I agree, holding a tape measure gives them a good size comparison, my hand is average size so I think that is good enough for the average rock slab buyer is interested in making one or two small Cabochons from the material, mostly.
I can already see what the problem is; everything you're doing is what YOU think should be, not how your potential buyers might want things.
To YOU it's pricess. To YOU your hand is good enough to show size. To YOU you're selling things cheap. YOU have gotten some very good advice here, but you are choosing to ignore it. How's that working for YOU?