12-05-2022 01:19 PM
All my eBay fees for selling all fine jewelry were raised to 15% in September per eBay's July email to Sellers. One of the reasons was a new program for all fine jewelry items over $500 being authenticated by GIA and no opting in or out. This would be of great benefit to both buyers and sellers. Even though I currently have listed 4 fine jewelry items over $500 and meet all of the qualifications and item descriptions to be in the eBay authenticity program, they are NOT in the program for unknown reasons. There is a great miscommunication about this program both in the HELP & CONTACT pages and with the information given to me by customer service reps. Anybody know what is going on?
12-05-2022 02:05 PM
There is talk that if a jewelry item gets relisted it has been known to lose it authentication flag. Here is a reply from a poster regarding this new jewelry authentication...
The entire thread although short is on the jewelry forum.
12-05-2022 02:17 PM
The opinions of the program from sellers whose jewelry cannot qualify for the program are less than positive, shall we say. Worthless, useless, interference, and bound to be a disaster about covers it. Then again, it fits in with that they've done to the jewelry category over the last year.
12-05-2022 02:54 PM
Thank you for your replies and opinions. The increase of fees eBay implemented from 12.55% to 15% was made easier as they were adding a valuable service. Even though this increase applied to ALL jewelry items, it was helpful to Sellers to be able to sell higher priced items with increased Buyer confidence as eBay was having them verified by GIA , eBay probably had lost a lot of money reimbursing buyers who were conned by "short time" sellers who disappeared and sold costume jewelry as fine jewelry. But not one of my new items listed or items relisted that "qualified" EVER got the eBay Authenticity guarantee. I am very disappointed with what they "sold" us.
12-05-2022 03:03 PM
Ebay, as usual, is quick to raise fees then fail to follow through on services to go with them. They should only be charging the higher fee on listings that qualify for the additional service. That would be fair, but then that would not be eBay.
12-05-2022 08:01 PM
After reading comments from other eBay Sellers AND eBay Buyers about the many problems with the authenticity program, I am grateful my jewelry items are NOT included in this program. This new eBay program appears to be a FAIL.
12-06-2022 01:48 AM
I just needed to add that after coming into an inheritance I bought some awesome 'real' jewelry here. I only got one item that wasn't completely genuine and the seller took it back and fully refunded me. I was careful and vetted the sellers thoroughly. Most were auctions houses in Florida with years here and with B&M stores also. My point is if a buyer is careful and researches fully then why the need for any other 'authentication' service from eBay?
My only other thought is maybe eBay got tired of MBG and refunding for scammy sellers? But they will always be here. IMHO.
12-06-2022 01:51 AM
I also wanted to add that some of the items I bought here would have been THOUSANDS of dollars in a jewelry store. And that they are gorgeous. This was quite a few years ago but thank you Sellers wherever you are, I LOVE my collection.