04-25-2022 01:34 PM
It is about 2 months that some features of my ebay are not working, when trying to create new listing/ revise items and answer to massages I face this message: "This site can’t be reached"
for example when using the following link for create listing I face that error which its image is attached.
I tried clearing history and cookies and using other browsers but nothing changed.
eBay customer support only told me there was no limitation on my account and it was a technical issue happened for few members and technical team was trying to fix it.
I'm really disappointed from ebay team and shared this issue with You, maybe anyone had experience with such a problem and could help me.
Best regards
04-25-2022 01:43 PM
It's not you, it's the site. Massive glitches suddenly. Multiple threads about it.
04-25-2022 09:04 PM
2 months! not enough to solve a technical issue?
searched on the web to see if anyone mentioned such a problem recently but nothing found.
04-25-2022 11:58 PM
even "Account settings" page is not working!
04-26-2022 12:46 AM
@iralva_81 I have faced this problem for 3 months already.
Every week I contacted with the eBay and they just answered they have already transfer to the tech team.
Really disappoint and mad.
04-26-2022 12:58 AM
velvet@ebay Any suggestion?
04-26-2022 02:19 AM
really disappointing. Even I suggested to reconfigure my account but they refused to do.
where are you from? I'm from Turkey, maybe related to country.
04-26-2022 08:42 AM
@motormeterracing wrote:
velvet@ebay Any suggestion?
I see that @iralva_81 was added to the ticket but I've done so again, including you @motormeterracing as well to be safe. I don't have a timeframe to provide for a fix though unfortunately. That's not something the tech team generally provides.
04-27-2022 01:11 PM
Do you think the tech team works on our issue as an urgent? It doesn't seem so, I don't think a technical issue should last for more than 2 months in a world-class company. If this problem was happened for more members it was fixed faster.
04-27-2022 06:52 PM
I'm from Taiwan
It's ridiculous that I think eBay never wanted to solve this problem, just because there aren't many people report for this problem at the moment.
04-27-2022 06:54 PM
velvet@ebay Thank you for your reply and please just help us report this problem to the tech team.
Otherwise I think the tech team had never notice on it yet.
04-27-2022 07:07 PM
@community_team Please pay attention that still it has problem from outside US country
04-29-2022 08:25 AM
Today I created another account and wanted to ask eBay give me the seller limit of my previous account.
But the same problems were present for this new account!
04-29-2022 08:41 AM
Do you know anyone from US to check your account from a US ip to see if the problem still exists?
05-05-2022 08:15 PM
Last Friday, The bug of listing templates have got fixed for several hours.
But later, the problem happened again, and it's already a week, still haven't got fixed yet.
Really disappoint...