11-21-2023 09:28 AM
is there a link for the procedure of combining orders into one package? 20 + years on ebay and I never had the situation arise before
11-21-2023 09:35 AM
I am assuming that you are at the label printing stage and that you are printing the label through eBay.
Select the items that you wish to combine from the Orders Awaiting Shipment and select Purchase Shipping Label. Then check the boxes next to the items that you wish to combine and select Combine from the options above the items.
11-21-2023 10:00 AM
Not much detail but heckofagame provided a solution you can try. It could also be if these are international shipments going through EIS that you will not be able to combine the shipping. There are also known issues with BIN/IPR sales and similar issues with the new autopay on OBO and auctions if the buyer and seller are both in that configuration. You may need to manually put the tracking number on each of the orders and then figure out how much you need to refund the buyer, if you so choose, for any savings on the combined shipping.
If the solution heckofagame provided does not work please return and provide a bit more detail.