Dear Sellers, We are currently experiencing a technical data processing
delay that has temporarily impacted the timely processing of some Good
'Til Cancelled (GTC) renewals, affecting the visibility of certain
seller listings and listing count on Act...
What should we usually do to increase impressions... How many auctions
should we put, and how many fixed prices should we set? Can anyone give
me an idea? I hope it will help others who see this
Are you feeling optimistic about Q4, or pessimistic? Most sellers have
probably been prepping for Q4 for a while now, bit I'm curious---what
are you doing to get ready for what is, for most of us, generally the
busiest time of the year? And what woul...
Hi! Hope you're well and staying cool wherever you may be! I'm very
familiar with eBay as I've been a seller on another account for about a
year. I just created a second account for my handmade jewelry and on
Sunday I listed my items at around 6:00 p...
Is everyone else missing the Listing Quality Report in Seller Hub today?
It was still there a couple days ago when the traffic page was having a
problem not updating.
Sold and item. My guess is the box was poorly taped and opened in
transit and the item taken. The buyer received and empty box and I
approved his refund request. Now Ebay wants their fee...any way to
dispute this since the item was lost or stolen in ...
Anyone else having this happen when listing? I've had 2 recent listings
show a $4.00 charge. I clicked list on one before I was able to correct
it when I saw $4.00 for Bold Listing that was a Ebay glitch. I just did
another lisiting and I caught it b...
So many of my shipments die in California and I have to refund. I am in
Virginia. I am thinking of upgrading a package today to Priority if it's
not too expensive, probably will be due to the distance. In your
experience does that help? I don't think...
I'm thinking of trying some Promoted Listings. For those that have used
it, and found it beneficial - did you go with eBay's suggested %, or try
your own? NOTE: I've seen some suggestions to try as low as 1%, 3% and
5%. I suppose in the end, it depen...
I started my eBay journey probably like many. I sold things to make a
few extra bucks, and then somewhere along the line I found some success
and decided to expand to a store. Recently, I got to the point where I
wanted to begin trying to use social ...
I just started selling again on eBay after about a 10 year hiatus. A
couple weeks and a couple thousand in sales, so far so good. Until a
buyer bid up my listing on a collectible Barbie (listing 284919224863)
to a much higher amount than I expected t...
How would you respond to really dumb questions from buyers? Perhaps
after 22 years of selling on eBay and other online venues I’m just burnt
out by the number of dumb questions I get from buyers. I’ve accepted
that many use their cell phones to brows...
They already bought the item but hadn't yet paid. I've had newer
accounts with zero to 1 feedback buy from me but never an account
created the day before. This makes me very nervous.... Thoughts? I can
take a cancellation hit if I really need to... I...
Seller Protection Issue: Dealing with customer service outside the US. I
have been lied to several times and given dates of financial
transactions that never existed by ebay reps. Process has been ongoing
for about 1.5-2 months. I asked the CS Superv...
Why do buyers not leave feedback? I’ve had excellent experiences with
buyers and I leave feedback for them but they don’t for me. It’s
frustrating. Thank you