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Yesterday I had a buyer purchase and then immediately want to cancel due to

his forgetting to use an EBAY coupon.    It was late, and I did not respond, but when I woke up yesterday I saw that he called EBAY who then sent me a message stating the buyer wanted to cancel the order due to a coupon issue and re-order using the coupon.


I refunded him and sent him a message that I would wait until noon to relist the item so that someone else could not purchase it if he was still interested.  I went on to say that, If I did not hear back from him by noon, I would assume he just changed his mind and I would go ahead and relist the item.  He responded shortly thereafter and asked me how to use the coupon and if I could private message him a private listing so he could buy it.  I told him that I was not familiar with private message listings nor had I ever used an EBAy coupon but I searched it and screenshotted him instructions on how to use an EBAY coupon at checkout...from the cart.   I then told him I was going to relist the item.


I heard nothing back from him.   Sometime yesterday afternoon I heard the coin jingle and I looked, the item had been repurchased.  I thought it was him as the user name contained similar first names.    I now see it is not him,


I hope this doesn’t come back to bite me somehow.   


Is there something else I should have done?



Tarzan does not know where Tarzan go.
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Yesterday I had a buyer purchase and then immediately want to cancel due to

No you are fine. It is not your responsibility to teach people how to use ebay or coupons. The buyer should have jumped as soon as you delisted so they could purchase.
This quest stands on the edge of a blade...stray but a little and you shall fail to the ruin of us all.
"The Lady Galadriel"
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