11-26-2019 11:29 AM
ITEM: Big LED High Brightness Hanging Digital Wall Clock Large Time Display.
Look at that clock on the wall compared to the sofa. That clock is 18" long.
That has got to be the world's smallest sofa. LOL
11-26-2019 01:40 PM
@nobody*s_perfect wrote:I think that photo was taken at Barbie's house.
I looked at the pictures really closely, but I can't find the sweep second hand that's mentioned in the Description.
I'm having an existential crisis over the idea of a sweep second hand on a digital clock.
I'm going to have to lie down with a vinegar compress on my forehead.
11-26-2019 03:13 PM
This giant clock is the perfect passive-aggressive Christmas gift for your always running late spouse. Buy one for every room and never be left waiting again!
11-26-2019 03:40 PM