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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

Howdy All,


Around March 20th, a lot of our sales just disappeared.  eBay has claimed that nothing happened and everything is fine, despite countless numbers of complaints, etc.  People across all categories sale their sales halve or more literally overnight and despite our best efforts, they did not come back.  


I was selling around $1000 a week prior to March 1st.  I began adding $14,000 in inventory to my store of $41,000, an increase of 34%.  For every $10,000 I have in inventory, I used to have an expected rate of $x, give or take 5-20% a week up or down, but consistent.  Over a 30 day period, I could expect to see very little variance in my numbers, as everything would pretty much settle down to 5-10% above or below my average.  I've been around for 24 years, have 13,000+ sales, a 100% positive feedback, maybe 15 returns due to postal abuse of packages during the 24 years I've been on eBay and am a Top Rated Seller.  I know my inventory and customers and strive to continually buy quality inventory to add to my store.  I know my numbers.  I know when eBay has done something as they have been doing over the past 3 years under this CEO.  And it stinks.


As I began to increase my inventory on March 1st, I got the expected returns coming in.  My sales increased proportionately and everything was great.  Then came March 20th or thereabouts.  Complete crash.  My sales disappeared by 50% overnight and stayed there.  Normally this indicates an unannounced update and things go back to normal after a week or two of killed sales that you'll never get back.  But sales kept going lower and lower.  The two weeks prior to March 20th, I had gone up to $1500 a week in sales.  The week before June 2nd, I was at $350 for the week.  I had lost nearly 80% of my sales.  eBay says that everything is working fine despite the HUGE number of people across the message boards, eBay for business on Facebook, and on YouTube.  


The only thing I've been able to figure out through a lot of experimentation is that eBay seems to be putting a LOT of crap in between the listings of those who promote at the highest rate versus those at the lower, and those who don't promote, well, expect to see your items buried.  I was at the low end of promoted listings as I know that eBay has decided we need to pay MORE to play as they chase extra pennies, forgetting that giving the customer few immediate choices does NOT guarantee sales.  Making it harder to find items does not give the customer a positive experience.  And based on the number of customers eBay has lost since this CEO took over despite covid leading to huge increases for all other platforms, I'd say I know what eBay's problem is.  I can only imagine what the 2nd quarter stock reports are going to look like.  My guess is huge drops in revenue from normal fees collected, with the promoted fees being the only thing that this CEO is good at.  Basically, taking more money from sellers to feed the stockholders who are losing money from bad policy that is killing sales.  Would love for him to explain what happened around March 20th and how it'll lead to a greater eBay, as opposed to higher fees for sellers and worse experiences for customers who continue to leave the platform at 10% a year.  


I have had to open a Mercari account as well as a local booth at an antique mall because apparently, according to some at eBay, I don't know what items to buy and sell.  The problem with eBay is that there are rules that you must follow in order to be successful on eBay, only, they won't share those rules with you which makes playing the game pretty difficult.  


How about you tell us what you did to kill our sales?  How about you tell us what we actually have to do to get our sales back?  I'm down $1500 a month in sales from BEFORE the time I added 34% more inventory to my store.  With that added inventory, I'm down $3000+ from where I should be, which is a huge thing.  It's not because I don't offer free shipping, free returns, or haven't filled out all the suggested item specifics.  My sales were just fine without these prior to March 20th.  It's not the economy that died 50% on the same day nor is it the 'summer slowdown' which started in March.  eBay did something to the algorithm and it would be nice to know what it was and if this is the new eBay.  If it is, then expect to lose more than just 10% of the customer/seller base this year.  


Seriously, pull your head out.  You're killing a once great platform. 

Message 1 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

simple answer, they won't explain and they never do, deal with it or leave is basically their position. 

The great truth is there isn't one
And it only gets worse since that conclusion...
...There is something about the rigid posture of a proper, authentic blind
As if extended arms reached to pass his blindness onto others.
Message 2 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

It sure sounds like ebay is throttling your account (turned off your switch).

They do this for two reasons.

#1) It upsets their long time loyal customers.

#2) They make less money.

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 3 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

The REAL problem IS that...

eBay Staff doesn't have a CLUE either!!!

Message 4 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

ebay could careless , there just losing customers , about a million a quarter if memory serve me right , they have lost well over 25% in the last 5 years ... wow thats a huge number , but this CEO doesnt seem to care , i believe ebay  is stifling there search engine so that more of us do promoted listings to get some visibility , unfortunately promoted listings no longer seem to be working for me , so i have recently turn off all the promoted listing i had( which was all of them )  , and it changed nothing for my sales , FYI Ian did not start the promoted listings Devin ,and at that time when i promoted , items would sell in days now it takes months . GMV is as low as it was a decade ago , there search engine is a complete failure in my opinion ... And ebay keeps losing market share , i now sell more on other sites than i do on ebay ... sad but thats the new ebay smaller shrinking in every direction expect ad fees ... SAD 

Message 5 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

Sad thing is, they're just trying to herd people towards promoted listings.  But that can only last so long as a gimmick because people will up their promoted rates WHILE cross listing or removing things from eBay entirely.  We'll pay the extortion fee just long enough to go elsewhere, or to clear out a store.  This CEO is literally one of the worst in corporate history.  

Message 6 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

I'm good at adapting, which in this case means selling less on eBay and moving it to other platforms or in one way, into a booth at a local antique mall.  The booth is help and within a couple of months, I should recoup the money I've lost on eBay.  If it becomes too good, I'll just start pulling things off eBay and take it there as the fees are much less overall and I can advertise an actual location for my goods.  I feel bad for the millions of sellers who spent literally millions of hours sourcing collectively, as well as listing who are being shut out because of this CEO's greed.  Sears used to be the top department store for something like 100 years.  They're gone now.  eBay can go the same way and at the rate this CEO is killing sales, it'll be sooner than later.

Message 7 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

@jlstanton wrote:

Sad thing is, they're just trying to herd people towards promoted listings.  But that can only last so long as a gimmick because people will up their promoted rates WHILE cross listing or removing things from eBay entirely.  We'll pay the extortion fee just long enough to go elsewhere, or to clear out a store.  This CEO is literally one of the worst in corporate history.  

sad thing is more like herding people towards anything for more money, not just promoted listings. They are (and have been) pushing PLD method for PLs awhile now, but now, they did this to my Overview page few days ago and messed up all my modules again: 


Their suggested rates took increase of several percentages when the new way they charge PLs went into effect this past quarter from their already inflated prior suggested rates. They have been pushing the PLD method for awhile but now they put this huge ad on my modules on overview instead of the normal ad message at the top in text. 

Top it off, weekly I get 3 inbox mails from ebay to 1. "Save $30 on statement credit - open a ebay credit line" and 2. "NEW! Use your earnings to shop on eBay." and 3. "get the funding your business needs - Ebay Selling Capital" - again, no, no, and no. 

Let's say sales weren't down and were much more like were prior, MAYBE I'd elect a bit more to PL, but the return on that isn't any better then the lower elections, done it, various times, every time sales stay the same to get worse. The other down to doing that is that encourages them to keep inflating those suggested rates and then in the end, as has been, nothing gets better, just hurts more sales cause they are driving the higher rate of inflation on items due to their PLs. 

The great truth is there isn't one
And it only gets worse since that conclusion...
...There is something about the rigid posture of a proper, authentic blind
As if extended arms reached to pass his blindness onto others.
Message 8 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

would that explain GMV down to what is was in 2013 ( a decade ago ) 

or that Buyers are leaving in record numbers( apx 1 million a quarter if not more ) , about 25% loss since 2019 179 mil down to 134 mil 


so i think you're right , maybe ebay is as for your two reasons those things are happening , but dont forget about market share down from i believe it was 6.2 % down to 3.5 % or there about 

if you're correct then that would mean ebay is relying on ad frees for there long term growth potential ( as thats the only number that has any growth ) just a guess , but i think thats a bad idea , but im not the CEO of Ebay Ian is and hes doing a BANG UP job , Oh almost forgot ebay is shrinking in one other number , thats employees ( i believe 4% ) but i could be wrong .... 


throttling could be a plausible explanation ... 

Message 9 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

@jasoheat_0 wrote:

would that explain GMV down to what is was in 2013 ( a decade ago ) 

I think there are other reasons for that.


A decade ago, mid-level retailers of new merchandise had basically three choices for selling  - eBay, Amazon, or set up their own website.


But these days you can buy new merchandise from third parties all over the place - Amazon, WalMart, Target, Kroger, Chewy, etc.


The number of venues available to retailers is expanding and eBay will continue to lose market share to sites that are better equipped to sell new commodities at retail to buyers who are skeptical of eBay's yard-sale reputation.


Message 10 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

It sure sounds like ebay is throttling your account (turned off your switch).

They do this for two reasons.

#1) It upsets their long time loyal customers.

#2) They make less money.


@inhawaii   - this issue of throttling has always brought about sarcastic responses such as yours... and that is reasonable because it would not make sense for ebay to throttle anyone...... but they do- it is very obvious with sales patterns. What you forget is that we are not new to ebay - many who notice the issues are very experienced business owners who know their market and customer base very well. We can see and address trends etc.  Enough people have noticed the predictable and dramatic drop-off of sales for 3 days after an exceptional sales day- it does not go back to normal sales... it goes to 0 sales....this is not normal- it is manipulated.  Why? nobody knows.

     Anyway- the larger issue i believe is that what is perceived as "throttling" is actual just ebay algorithms and AI running amuck. bad programming and faulty logic. No longer are sales rewarded to those who provide the best product and service, but to those ypu "pay to Play" w/ promoted listings.    The trouble is that it is not sustainable to milk the sellers out of business.  Overall seller discouragement has led to less GMV.  Struggling through myriads of junk PL and confusing listing pages have turned buyers off of ebay.  its simply too much work to fight a search algorithm that refuses to show what a buyer searches for.

    Another poster said it perfectly- " Enough with the AI (artificial intelligence),  we need REAL intelligence!"

Message 11 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

I have been selling on eBay since 2000 and eBay started it's decline when Meg Whitman became CEO and it has been a steady decline since.  My sales have declined to a point where I am starting to take my inventory to a local auction house that does everything on-line.  Their fees are about the same as eBay and the big advantage is that I don't have to mess with packaging and shipping.  I think I have sold 2 items in May and so far nothing in June.  Another problem is eBay's search engine SUCKS!  I buy a lot of classic car parts and when I do a search on eBay, I get over 3000 items in the search and 99% of them have nothing to do with the car part I am looking for.  I guess eBay is now a dinosaur that is slowly going extinct!

Message 12 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

@luckythewinner  there is definitely truth in what you said.   So ebay needs to give people a reason to shop there- NOT give them more reason to not shop on ebay.   That is what a successful business does to adapt and grow.   Driving away sellers with fees and forcing people to use PL will do the opposite.

Making the search so irrelevant that buyers must go to google to find active ebay listings does not help.


Ebay needs true innovation but without undermining their core sellers and buyers.

they NEED a stable platform that does not test and change on a daily basis

they need to actually advertise to bring people to the platform

they actual NEED to partner with sellers- the actually- heart of ebay 

loyalty programs work for buyers...they just do

EVERYONE hates advertisements- i know they are necessary, but ebay overdone the PL to the point of buyer disgust- that is why people fast forwarded through commercials on TV lol

AI is so bad that the search shows bizarre results that have nothing to do with search words entered


At this point my opinion of what is going on has changed... i used to think that it was simply corporate greed and management just putting in the time until their golden parachutes open....... but now (with ebay actively and literally doing the opposite of what will improve the platform)- i am starting to believe that they simply do not understand what they are doing at all.  they are just out of their league.  You cant just keep hiring inexperienced people and cheap 3rd party contractors and expect good results.  You must have someone with a vision and the experience to know what to do without endless testing and (tell us what you thing) buttons.

    The endless loop of ridiculous changes that make no sense  (like getting rid of the color red in the listing flow), while ignoring the biggest shortcomings like the non-functioning search, at this point is just inept.


Message 13 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

Nothing you say will make me believe there is throttling going on.

Because experienced sellers say it is?

Because it is not "normal" for sales to drop to zero?

Well I happen to think it IS  perfectly normal for sales to drop to zero once in a while.

When my sales drop to zero I don't immediately call ebay and ask what's going on.

That's ridiculous.

On the other hand, nothing I say will make you believe there is no throttling going on.

We'll just have t agree to disagree.



Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 14 of 64
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When will eBay explain what they did around March 20th and why it killed sales?

I can't wait for my next 0 sales day.

I'll be posting "When will eBay explain what they did around <todays date> and why it killed sales?"

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
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