11-13-2019 06:19 PM
I have a guy who contacted me today and claims he has been trying to recover a lost package from the Post Office that he purchased from me on Dec 16th of 2018 [almost a year ago]. I asked for the PayPal transaction number [the Ebay sales record is long since gone] In the PayPal transaction log it says the tracking info has been generated but with nothing else. I have no clue if the tracking information is no longer available because of the age and has just deferred to tracking generated, or if the guy is telling the truth and the Post Office lost the item.
What would you do?
11-13-2019 06:21 PM
11-13-2019 06:22 PM
He claims he's been working this long with the Post Office to locate it.
@lgonzalez28 wrote:
Ask him why he waited 11 months to contact you?
11-13-2019 06:23 PM
He said he has been working with the Post Office for 11 months to try and recover the item.
11-13-2019 06:24 PM
Tell him that you’re sorry, but too much time has passed.
MBG aside, he has waited far far past any logical amount of time before reaching out to you. Records are no longer available, you can’t help at this point.
Customer’s have responsibilities too.
11-13-2019 06:25 PM
The item cost $86.00, so I want to do the right thing, but it is not chump change either.
11-13-2019 06:27 PM
11-13-2019 06:29 PM
11-13-2019 06:39 PM
Right, but by waiting this long he essentially “stole” your ability to research and fix the problem.
11-13-2019 09:21 PM
11 months? I would also tell him it's too much time and there is nothing I can do. This is a scam, and the buyer is just hoping you will refund.
11-13-2019 09:48 PM
If you are feeling really, really obligated to help, ask the buyer which post office, and the name(s) of the person(s) they were working with, so you can see if there is a way to help them (the post office) to find the package.
11-13-2019 10:06 PM
11-13-2019 10:15 PM
@pink.fish.rule wrote:
I'd say after 11 months it's probably already been auctioned off as lost mail.
Probably, if it was actually lost.
11-13-2019 10:40 PM
I had something similar happen recently, different story but same time frame, it was just short of a year it started out friendly but after i said 'no' the buyers tone changed completely, from nice to threats of liable and slander. I wouldn't count your cards yet.
11-13-2019 10:59 PM
The buyer and seller may have the tracking number in their email account.
Paypal history can be downloaded by both the buyer and seller for 7 years.
That will provide the tracking number.
The tracking history is probably deleted after 180 days.
I have had a few inquiries at 70 to 150 days after payment for lost packages or defective merchandise.
eBay or Paypal consider 'all sales final' after 60 days. So do I.
A seller can not issue a refund.
The seller fees are not refundable.
A buyer can not print out a return label.
The credit card companies consider 'all sales final' at 150 or 180 days.
I replied that, "Life is full of statutes of limitations. If you miss the deadline, then you forfeit."
If the buyer had their act together, they would have contacted you within 60 days.