05-19-2018 11:15 AM
Ive been selling full time on eBay since 2001 and this is by far the worst its ever been. I would like to think I know what Im doing at this point. Ive gone over my listings time and time again trying to figure out why my items that are usually priced well below my competition is sitting while theirs is flying off the shelfs.
I offer a fair prince and the cheapest shipping or even free. I use listing promotions, sales, shipping discounts, and combined shipping that sometimes is less then it actually cost to send out.
All the item have detailed description, good photos, clearly defined policies and same or next day shipping on everything.
SO WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!!! Please check my listings and give feedback. Thanks....
05-19-2018 11:18 AM
dont see anything wrong,could it be your fans do not have spare change?
or buy too much already?
05-19-2018 11:26 AM
Thanks for looking.
But why are other sellers selling the same exact items in the same condition and usually for more still doing well?
05-19-2018 11:32 AM
When you refer to your competitors, are they first time buyers or long time customers.
Do you have a loyal following, and if not, why. That is where I get most of my business from.
05-19-2018 11:33 AM - edited 05-19-2018 11:37 AM
I don't have any good answers, but I do see you have a lot of 1990s comic books, and THEY are a hard sell because there were so many produced by the mid 90s that the comic book market crashed horribly and has never fully recovered.
I see in your OP, "I offer a fair prince" which seems odd as "fair princess" is a more common expression.
05-19-2018 11:39 AM
I wish I could say that, but then it would mean that I was actually selling at least something.
I'm not into all the toggling and all but I am starting to question what's going on. I promote, I put items on sale (not that buyers can see that with banner on bottom) and I offer 30 days return. I listed an item and it got over 100 views and 5 watchers, but still didn't sell. (mind you it is almost the lowest price of other sellers) I relisted it about 10 days ago and it has not had 1 view. To me that just doesn't make sense.
05-19-2018 11:41 AM
Unfortunaly I sell allot of different items and I guy things usually in large collections so I can offer allot of the same type of thing with links back to my store. I get it that if a seller only sells lets say Postcards that they would have repeat costomers and those customers know that specific seller offers a good product and service so they are more apt to spend more with them. Like I said I get that but thats also why I bust my back side offering same or next day shipping, amazing 5 star customer service and again maintain 100% feedback. I would think any decerning buyer would consider these things before making a purchase.
Example. I have a Mad comic book listed for $1.99 and $2.70 shipping. Right now another seller has the same exact book in the same exact condition and has bids over $4.00 and $4.25 shipping. Completed sales both BIN's and auctions are usually around $6.00 to $9.00 pluss shipping for this same comic yet mine is just sitting there for the last month and a half doing nothing.
05-19-2018 11:43 AM
@findersltd wrote:I wish I could say that, but then it would mean that I was actually selling at least something.
I'm not into all the toggling and all but I am starting to question what's going on. I promote, I put items on sale (not that buyers can see that with banner on bottom) and I offer 30 days return. I listed an item and it got over 100 views and 5 watchers, but still didn't sell. (mind you it is almost the lowest price of other sellers) I relisted it about 10 days ago and it has not had 1 view. To me that just doesn't make sense.
Many are having problems with selling collectibles. Old timers are downsizing and the younger generation does not want their family's collectibles.
05-19-2018 11:46 AM - edited 05-19-2018 11:50 AM
Yah I got a bunch of comics recently and I know the 90 stuff is so/so thats why its priced so cheap with Make Offer and Cheap/Combined shipping. But again those same exact comics in the same exact condition are selling from other sellers and usually for more thats why Im questioning how Im selling and asking for some feedback.
And Prince / Price. You know what I ment.
05-19-2018 11:53 AM
@scalemotorcars wrote:Unfortunaly I sell allot of different items and I guy things usually in large collections so I can offer allot of the same type of thing with links back to my store. I get it that if a seller only sells lets say Postcards that they would have repeat costomers and those customers know that specific seller offers a good product and service so they are more apt to spend more with them. Like I said I get that but thats also why I bust my back side offering same or next day shipping, amazing 5 star customer service and again maintain 100% feedback. I would think any decerning buyer would consider these things before making a purchase.
Example. I have a Mad comic book listed for $1.99 and $2.70 shipping. Right now another seller has the same exact book in the same exact condition and has bids over $4.00 and $4.25 shipping. Completed sales both BIN's and auctions are usually around $6.00 to $9.00 pluss shipping for this same comic yet mine is just sitting there for the last month and a half doing nothing.
Is comic books that other sellers' niche product?
I know people will tell you to diversify, but if you are going to buy say a collectable comic book, who would you trust more - the seller who specializes in it or the one who sells auto parts with a couple of comic books mixed in?
I see jewelry being sold for less, but then I look at what that other person has sold. Very little jewelry, so can I trust that she is accurate in her grading or is even describing it correctly.
When I buy fine jewelry, I go to someone who has sold a lot of it with good feedback so I know he knows what he talks about. But if he has the occasional barbie doll, I would not buy it from him. I go to the sellers who specialize in barbie dolls.
I have branced out a bit as a seller. I sell fine jewely under one ID, but the dolls and dime store items I have just bought too much of, is under another ID.
05-19-2018 12:13 PM
You know what's kind of funny, you mentioned car parts and the seller with the Mad comic book in my example above sells allot of car parts, motorcycle stuff and fishing tackle. He's a part time or low volume seller with about 60 items listed and in no way does he have a specific field he sells in.
So again why is his item selling for double my BIN price? Like I said thats just an example but the norm with most of my listings.
Great service, great prices, perfect feedback equals **bleep** sells.
Also, why is it that the 1st time an item is listed it gets a bunch of views, watchers but if it doesnt sell and is relisted from that point on its like it doesnt exist on eBay? Is ebay screwing with the search algarithum on relisted items?
05-19-2018 12:22 PM - edited 05-19-2018 12:26 PM
I looked briefly at the top 5 items in your active listing page and here is what I found.
Lots of things that recently have changed and your listing look like they need an overhaul to come up to the current standards eBay looks for in listings. I know it is a lot of work but many here in the forum have spent hundreds of hours trying to keep up with the changes all for the time that is happening right now where the eBay platform is slowing changing to a comparison shopping experience. All the things I mentioned need attention starting with your descriptions first. You absolutely have to get rid of the active content and policy stuff.
Here are a few links to think about
auctive active content removal tool - Read the last area about older scrolling galleries
explorer the new seller central pages
Good Luck Selling!
05-19-2018 12:40 PM
@scalemotorcars wrote:Unfortunaly I sell allot of different items and I guy things usually in large collections so I can offer allot of the same type of thing with links back to my store. I get it that if a seller only sells lets say Postcards that they would have repeat costomers and those customers know that specific seller offers a good product and service so they are more apt to spend more with them. Like I said I get that but thats also why I bust my back side offering same or next day shipping, amazing 5 star customer service and again maintain 100% feedback. I would think any decerning buyer would consider these things before making a purchase.
Example. I have a Mad comic book listed for $1.99 and $2.70 shipping. Right now another seller has the same exact book in the same exact condition and has bids over $4.00 and $4.25 shipping. Completed sales both BIN's and auctions are usually around $6.00 to $9.00 pluss shipping for this same comic yet mine is just sitting there for the last month and a half doing nothing.
Maybe you should try a few auctions. Some folks search only using auctions, figuring they'll get a better deal.
05-19-2018 12:43 PM - edited 05-19-2018 12:43 PM
Simply put: Ebay rewards sellers who make money for ebay. Not years ago, yesterday. Make money for ebay and they'll get you more sales so you can make more money for them.
How do we do that? We have a psychic on retainer.
05-19-2018 12:45 PM
Thank for the feedback.
I was thinking about the store header and sidebar and that is something Im going to ditch. I didnt know there was a new version of it. Thanks
As for active content, I cleaned up all of that last year. Anything in the listing is an HTTPS Gif and the banner at the bottom is allowed by eBay and doesnt use active content. But I get what your saying so Ill look into that.
Policies in the description is something Ill move and see what happens. I did format it to Responsive html/CSS so anyone on a mobile device can see it clearly.
Description in listing. I try to cover condition at the top and any relevent details in the item specifics to keep in line with eBay wanting everthing mobile frendly. I try to add anything that doesnt have a specific place in the listing description but it seems less and less people actually read the description anyway.
GTC is on a few items but Ill change that. I do use the relist tool so I think the bad data is still following the listing. I guess the only way for beat ebays relist algorithm is to use the Sell Similar EVERY time.