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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

I have never left a message before so I hope I am doing it right.

I recently got hit with the 5% "very high not as described" fee in the collectibles category. I have had 2 returns - 1 was my fault I sent the wrong item the 2nd the customer lied and said item not as described.  I promptly did both returns without Ebay stepping in and I received positive feedback from both customers. Now months later I am suddenly hit with this charge. I have called and each time the reps can offer no reason as to why or what else I could have done to avoid this. I received an email from Ebay threatening me that I better not go to my bank or it would effect my sellers standing!!!!!  I have 100% feedback and am a power seller.  Why should I bother doing returns if Ebay is going to penalize me for doing exactly what they say I should do.  Also the service metrics they use compares me to other similar sellers yet there is no way for me to verify what Ebay claims other sellers are doing.  They can say whatever they want and I have no way to prove otherwise.

Please help


Message 1 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

It is undeniable..You need to read the new changes, when ebay starts working with your money and making deposits to your account.I have opened a new checking account.That only purpose is for ebay.I also have no made the cross as of yet..I'm already seeing undue reasons for undue charges.

Message 31 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

I got the run aound as well.This is the second time they have done this to me..I'm a small time seller.And they are robbing me, because they can..They are not going to remove the 5% charge until THEY see the difference.I sold 226 item in 6 months.I had 2 returns..Not the items as they described..BUT, they are charging me the Items not described Fees. They don't care how they get more money..They just want the stock holders happy.The heck with us.


Message 32 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

Look, you don't understand what I wrote...I havethe option to not except returns..It is clearly stated BY THEM in my Ad's...I always Refund any buyer that I know had no control over an item being broken when it arrives..Other than that.I don't except returns..Keep, fooling yourself, you're the only that will be paying the price in the end for what ebay decides is the proper way to charge you double.

Message 33 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

It will be in your account summary. You could see where they will start charging you for undescribed sales..You'll notice that you are being feed twice on each sale and final value fee.

Message 34 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

This is not about not returning payments to the buyers..It has nothing to do with that...Ebay will find you for what they call"UNDescribed"..just so they can add the extra fee of 5%. Know you account summary.The sooner you do that the better for you.

Message 35 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

You my friend are a typical example of what ebay is doing to make more money for the stock holders..And you will see they do as they like unjustifiably.  I sell a lot to may sellers..I have never had a sale where the buyer returned the item because it was not described properly.BUT...ebay wants more money so they charge you what they want ,when they want..Keep watch on your summary account..I had to cut my bussiness in half. To stop them from robbing other words, no justification for increased fees. I will let this go on as long as they do.

Message 36 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

This has nothing to do with charge backs..

Message 37 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

For now..

Message 38 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

Being a top rated seller is not my goal..I have never offered returns..They, meaning ebay wants to call it Not as Described..even though the buyer recieves the item from the postal service broken..Broken is not Undescribed. And none of my buyers have ever asked for a return because it was broken..I will refund them promptly..Ebay is charging me the Undescribed fee with out it actually being done by the buyer.,,one day it will be your turn as well.You'll be hit with the undescribed item fees, even though that is not the issue to begin with.

Message 39 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

Exactly...This is the double charge I have been talking about....It will continue until they decide they have pumped you enough.

Message 40 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

Managed payments will give them total excess to your money, including a $20.00 charge if...and I say IF..a buyer decides the item you sent them was not as described..And ebay will with draw that from the account you have set up..So, if you have not kept more money in this account..You're be charged an overdraft fee...Not only the regular fees but the additional fee of $20.00 by them .. Be careful..

Message 41 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

Just spoke to a customer service rep and he confirmed that there was an issue in the system.  He read the statement back to me from his info.  My extra fees were credited yesterday (7/28) and should reflect on the July 2020 statement.

Message 42 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

Now, you understand how they get more money to the Stock Holders..It's by claiming you aren't doing right on your end..Even when you are right..Stay Tuned..There will be more actions..just you wait and see.

Message 43 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

Please don't spread misinformation.  IF a buyer submits a INAD/SNAD, wins that case, and a seller REFUSES a return or refund, then, yes, you might be on the hook for a penalty (I offer free returns, so this isn't of big concern or interest to me).  If a seller does the right thing and refunds, then this isn't an issue.  AND, if a seller is really emptying out his account after every payout, that is an issue, as sellers should be holding money for returns and the eventuality of taxes, if that seller is doing anything more than just running a virtual garage sale.  

Message 44 of 56
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Very High Not as Described 5% fee

it's disgusting and robbery, and the more info you find out about it the more disgusting it gets, and trust me if anyone disagrees they work for eBay and are trying to make you feel bad for figuring out that you're getting robbed by a scam with no proof.

Message 45 of 56
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