07-15-2020 06:30 PM
I have never left a message before so I hope I am doing it right.
I recently got hit with the 5% "very high not as described" fee in the collectibles category. I have had 2 returns - 1 was my fault I sent the wrong item the 2nd the customer lied and said item not as described. I promptly did both returns without Ebay stepping in and I received positive feedback from both customers. Now months later I am suddenly hit with this charge. I have called and each time the reps can offer no reason as to why or what else I could have done to avoid this. I received an email from Ebay threatening me that I better not go to my bank or it would effect my sellers standing!!!!! I have 100% feedback and am a power seller. Why should I bother doing returns if Ebay is going to penalize me for doing exactly what they say I should do. Also the service metrics they use compares me to other similar sellers yet there is no way for me to verify what Ebay claims other sellers are doing. They can say whatever they want and I have no way to prove otherwise.
Please help
07-17-2020 05:21 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:@granmammy804
I don’t think that you are interpreting the info correctly. Please show me where it says that sellers in MP will pay $20 when they have a not as described claim.I know that PayPal charges $20 now for credit card chargebacks but only if the seller fights it and loses. I suspect that eBay will be doing something similar with credit card chargebacks and that is what you are referring to but that doesn’t mean there will be a $20 charge for every nad.
i think the wording is in the information about updated user agreements and MP policy. I read it too!
07-17-2020 06:13 PM
@cherrymom13 wrote:Hi,
Just wanted to let you know that I called multiple times as well as emailed and initially got the run around and was told that the fees would remain. I then asked to speak to a supervisor both via a rep and via email. I just received an email yesterday from someone claiming to be a supervisor. He informed that although my 2 returns made my percentage of 1.6% very high that since I had less than 10 cases from unique buyers that I should not have had the fee charged against me and that they would remove it. To me it still makes no sense, its just another case of Ebays greed trying to get money wherever and however the can with no regard to there own policies. I am hopeful however that they will reverse the charges, we shall see. To anyone else out there that they have done this or anything else that doesnt see fair, I encourage you to fight it. Keep calling, have them call you back so you are not on hold for hours at a time, and ask to speak to a supervisor. I will let you know what happens with my case.
Did you verify that they did what they said they would do? Many times you are just told what you want to hear so you go away.
07-17-2020 06:24 PM
No returns does NOT mean no refunds.
EBay has a money back guarantee which super cedes no returns. In other words, your buyer either gets what he/she paid for or gets their money back.
07-17-2020 07:38 PM
Question: is this fee identified in your account summary as a separate line item, or did you just notice the different calculated percentage in your FVF? (I've been selling less than a year, and don't quite know all the ins and outs of ebay.)
07-17-2020 10:19 PM
I agree.
A policy of No Returns, to my mind, tells the unhappy customer, that the seller refuses to be helpful with a problem transaction, and therefore the buyer goes directly to the Dispute rather than discussing it with the seller.
As a side note, when a transaction involves a freight forwarder, like eBay's Global Shipping Program, or a commercial forwarder, or just the buyer's Auntie Lou is Detroit, most of eBay's Money Back Guarantee stops right there on delivery to the forwarder.
07-18-2020 06:53 AM
Or they lie and get their money back! Better to let them know up front....
07-18-2020 06:54 AM
key word "most" or when they choose
07-18-2020 12:11 PM
@shantynas wrote:
@pjcdn2005 wrote:@granmammy804
I don’t think that you are interpreting the info correctly. Please show me where it says that sellers in MP will pay $20 when they have a not as described claim.I know that PayPal charges $20 now for credit card chargebacks but only if the seller fights it and loses. I suspect that eBay will be doing something similar with credit card chargebacks and that is what you are referring to but that doesn’t mean there will be a $20 charge for every nad.
i think the wording is in the information about updated user agreements and MP policy. I read it too!
As far as I can tell, that fee is for credit card chargebacks, not for all not as described claims as the other poster seems to be suggesting. Paypal also charges $20 for handling cc chargebacks in some cases but that fee is not charged if the seller refunds right away without fighting the dispute OR if they fight the dispute and win it. Here is the info on eBay that I'm referring to...
If a buyer files a payment dispute, and you’re found responsible for the disputed amount, you’ll be charged a dispute fee by eBay. If you accept the payment dispute and issue a refund, eBay will waive the dispute fee, and you’ll be responsible for the refund amount issued to your buyer.
Note: payment disputes = bank/cc disputes
07-18-2020 12:13 PM
Thanks for responding and Im sorry your going through this as well. I wanted to ask you about your seller dashboard, you said that you can see on your metrics that you are in the red or very high is that correct? I only ask because on my dashboard under trans defects I am listed as above average and under returns I am also listed as very high so I cant understand where it came from that I should be rated as "very high" You mentioned that you can see what your peers are rated in you Sellers Dashboard, is that also true? I cant see that info on mine, I can only see my own.
Ebay claims that they compare you against other similar sellers in the same category selling similar item yet we have now way of verifying that and at least on my Dashboard I cant see where I rank in comparison nor can I see what my "peers" rank at.
**UPDATE** EBAY finally reversed the "Very High not as Described" fee and did credit me back the fees they had already charged. It took awhile but there is hope so keep calling/emailing Ebay and ask to speak to a supervisor if you are in the same situation 🙂
07-18-2020 12:23 PM
So it did take a few days but Ebay did in fact reverse the 5% Very High not as Described fee as well as crediting me back to my account the monies the had already charged me. I did ask for a supervisor to call me so I could ask them specifics as to why this happened. I wanted to them to tell me how it is that a seller can follow Ebays return policy only to have Ebay penalize you for doing so but of course no one has called me back nor did they respond to the email I sent asking those questions. I will keep trying but I consider myself lucky that they not only admitted they were wrong but they actually corrected the situation, for now a least!!
07-18-2020 12:35 PM
I could be wrong but I believe that by not accepting returns in your listing you could actually end up with more issues. If I remember correctly if you show that you dont do returns you sort of force the hand of the customer to do "not as described" returns because they know that is the way around your no returns policy. They know Ebay will always force the seller to return the item in the buyers favor. Since Ebay wont support your individual no return policy you might as well offer returns then work with the buyers to find possible other solutions.
Also I dont know how much you sell but I believe you cant qualify to be Top Rated Seller which lowers you final value fees if you dont offer 30 returns.
I know its not fair, a seller should be able to have some control but Ebay doesnt care about sellers. They only care about protecting buyers and lining their own already fat pockets
07-18-2020 12:41 PM
Question: is this fee identified in your account summary as a separate line item, or did you just notice the different calculated percentage in your FVF? (I've been selling less than a year, and don't quite know all the ins and outs of ebay.)
The fee is listed as a separate line item under account summary so there are actually 4 charges shown instead of 2, as follows:
final value fee
final value fee on shipping
Very High not as described 5% fee on what item sold for
Very High not as described 5% fee on shipping
07-18-2020 04:31 PM
thats not an issue since I cater to my buyers, refunding excess shipping combining purchases, and returns, but not thru ebay. With managed payments that will be harder to find a workable method.
07-22-2020 06:18 AM
Please read the new changes for the "E bay controlling your money/payments..It very clear in it
07-22-2020 06:21 AM
I have never offerd Returns..Always tell my customers no returns..It's stated and , not only by me but by ebay..They are still charging 5% more..They do this when ever they decide..I also have learned...They count you buying items as well.The items you purchase.